Season 2, Episode 1:
"The Art of Mental, Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Health, Lessons from a Naturopathic Practitioner" with Cathey Painter
Welcome Leaders Labyrinth's Season 2 Debut! We rekindle our path into the Labyrinth with a mind-blowing interview with the astonishing Cathey Painter. She is a board certified Traditional Naturopath and Emotion Code Practitioner. Her mission is to inform and educate people on how to use natural elements such as herbs, foods and essential oils to enhance your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical state for optimum performance. She opens up about how her natural healing methods treated her husband's cancer into remission. She will disrupt everything you think you know about medicine, as she loves teaching people about redox molecules, dieting, anti-aging effects, cellular health and how to use these natural methods of treatment to release your trapped emotions, how to utilize hormone and neurotransmitter testing and making lifestyle changes to manage and overcome physical, mental and emotional health challenges in the most natural ways possible.
Contact Cathey:
Webinars: Live webinars every Wednesday night and Saturday morning
Instagram: @catheypainter
Cathey's Book Recommendation:
- The Emotion Code Book by Dr. Bradley Nelson
- The Medical Medium Liver Rescue by Anthony William