"The Case of the Superfluous Murder" is an episode from the classic TV detective series, The Falcon. In this episode, the dapper and debonair detective, Mike Waring, aka The Falcon, is hired to clear the name of a young woman who has been accused of murdering her stepfather. As he delves into the case, he discovers a web of lies and deceit that implicates almost everyone in the household. With his quick wit and keen eye for detail, The Falcon uncovers the truth behind the murder and brings the real killer to justice. The episode is a classic whodunit, with plenty of twists and turns to keep the audience guessing until the very end.
This is just one of hundreds of detective and mystery old time radio shows available from the golden age of radio that have been digitally remastered at:
In this episode":
- The Falcon
- Mike Waring
- detective
- murder
- stepfather
- web of lies
- deceit
- household
- quick wit
- keen eye
- truth
- justice
- whodunit
- twists
- turns
- guessing
- classic
- TV series
- dapper
- debonair.