After seven weeks, the Bridgegate trial is done and the verdicts are in. Former Chris Christie staffer, Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Baroni, the former Deputy Executive Director of the Port Authority, were found guilty on all counts. Both sides are vowing to appeal. And even though testimony during the trial indicated otherwise, Governor Christie says the jury confirmed everything he has said all along – that he knew nothing about a plot to close lanes at the George Washington Bridge.
Meanwhile, the governor has a Nov. 23rd court date to deal with a citizen's complaint in Bergen County, accusing him of misconduct. And the possibility of a new legislative investigation into Bridgegate has been raised.
WNYC's Matt Katz and Andrea Bernstein join us to reflect on the verdicts and help us get a handle on where this is heading. The governor appeared on CBS This Morning in an attempt to minimize the damage. But speaking with host David Furst, Matt Katz says "There are four high level people - we should remember this - four high level people who have been convicted of federal crimes who served… high up in this administration."
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