• How to take your next step & make your dreams happen (Ft. Heather King)
    Nov 5 2020

    Have you ever looked up to someone and thought to yourself, "I wish I was that successful" or "How did they get there?" I'll let you in on a little secret: Every successful person started out the exact same way - by simply taking a step.

    In this episode, Meg interview Heather King, to discuss what it takes to make your dreams a reality.

    Heather is an entrepreneur, pageant queen, fashion expert, and all-around boss. Not only is she Miss Frisco TX, but she also founded her very own publication, Virtuous.

    During Heather's early college years, she began to dream and conspire a publication that met women where they were, and showed them that they are worth more than the standards of this world. In the fall of 2019, she took that dream and turned it into reality.

    Heather is determined to bring this message of virtue into the lives of women across the nation. In a world that is filtered, searching for truth and longing for personal identity, Virtuous provides tools and resources at a local, state, and nationwide level that builds up generations of women daring to be authentically virtuous in everything they do.

    Tune in to learn:

    1. How to take your next step & make your dreams a reality
    2. What it means to be a woman of virtue
    3. How to follow your calling (even when people don't understand)
    4. How to do what you love while making a difference
    5. SO MUCH MORE!

    Are you ready? Hit that play button!

     Follow Meg & Heather here! 

    • Follow Meg
    • Follow Heather
    • Follow Virtuous
    • Get your copy of the Virtuous Magazine!
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    41 mins
  • What is my calling? (Ft. Meg Kilgore & Kenzie Kober)
    Oct 23 2020

    What am I called to do? Am I supposed to be in ministry? In business? In school? 

    What if I'm not there yet? Does God want me to be happy and love my job? 

    Trying to figure out what God wants you to do with your life can get pretty confusing, but it doesn't have to be that way!

    In this episode, Meg interviews Kenzie on what it looks like to follow God even when it doesn't make sense. 

    In 2018 Kenzie Kober made the extremely difficult decision to quit her job in full-time ministry, move from a big city back to a small town, and work in a smoothie shop (yes, you read that right. A SMOOTHIE SHOP of all places).

    To the world and the people around her, it looked like Kenzie was throwing away a successful career. But thankfully, Kenzie didn't waver. Her commitment to following God's voice set her up for major success. Today, she is living her dream in California as the proud owner of her very own business, Harvest Waffles.

    Looking back, Kenzie knows that she would never be where she is today without that difficult season of obedience to God's voice.

    In this episode, we're going to discuss...

    • Choosing obedience over opportunity
    • Following God's voice even when it's tough
    • How to be in ministry and business (yes! you can do both)
    • How we should define true success
    • What does it actually look like to dream with God

    The truth is, success isn't linear. Sometimes, in order to move forward, you actually have to take a few steps backward to gain perspective. Following God's voice won't always be easy, but it will always be worth it.

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    37 mins
  • From Pain to Purpose (Ft. Benjamen Kilgore)
    Oct 8 2020

    We all have a story to tell, and chances are there are parts of your story that are filled with pain, regret, and brokenness. But just because you have a “messy” past, doesn’t mean that God can’t use you. In fact, it means just the opposite.

    In today’s episode, Meg interviews her husband, Benjamen Kilgore, on the topic of his new book, Growing Pains.  Growing Pains is a collection of poems written by Ben Kilgore and illustrated by his wife, Meg Kilgore. This collection is divided into two parts, pain and growth, and explores the journey from brokenness to beauty - the process of being human.

    Together, Meg & Ben discuss the pain and abuse that Ben experienced as a teenager as well as how God redeemed every part of his story. Ben also shares how writing played a huge role in his healing process.

    In this episode, prepare to see how God works all things together for His good and to discover how God can turn your pain into purpose. 

    Want Meg’s FREE Guide to Self-Publishing?
    Click here to download!

    Want to purchase Ben’s book?
    Click here to order Growing Pains on Amazon

    Stay connected with us!
    Follow Meg on Instagram
    Follow Ben on Instagram

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    40 mins
  • Dealing with doubt? Don't give up (Ft. Joi Johnston)
    Sep 24 2020

    Following your dreams is a lot easier said than done. AM I RIGHT?!

    It can be so tempting to quit when things get hard. And when things take longer than you expect them to, it can be so easy to feel like you’re failing. Questions like “Am I doing the right thing?” or “Is this even worth it”?” start to flood our minds.

    But what if “feeling like a failure” is actually part of the journey to making your dreams a success? 

    In today’s episode, Meg Kilgore interviews her friend, Joi Johnston, a fashion designer who makes leather handbags and was recently featured in British Vogue. 

    Joi Johnston’s journey to where she is today has definitely not been an easy one. There were so many times where she wanted to quit and just get a “normal job.” Her story is one filled with doubt and lots of questioning, but thankfully, she never quit! 

    In this episode, you’re going to learn just exactly how Joi was able to keep going even when things got hard. She shares the importance of surrounding yourself with true community, taking risks even when you’re afraid, and trusting God - even when you’re dealing with doubt.

    So if you’re ready to be inspired and encouraged, pull up a seat and join Meg and Joi as they talk about following your dreams even when you want to quit.

    Let's be friends! :) 

    • Follow Meg on Instagram
    • Follow Joi on Instagram
    • Shop Joi’s Handbags 
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    30 mins
  • When life doesn't go the way you expected
    Sep 17 2020

    What do you do when things just aren’t turning out the way you expected?

    How can you find true, genuine joy even in the middle of painful seasons?

    What does it look like to have the right perspective when life gets HARD?

    Ummm, hello 2020! Am I right?! This year has been a whirlwind for us all. Sometimes it feels as though we’re just hopping from one crisis to the next. 

    But fear not! We’re here to help. We may not have all the answers (actually, I know we don’t), but we do have some pretty amazing stories and tips that are definitely going to encourage you in the middle of those really hard seasons.

    We’re here to shed some light on the topics of keeping the right perspective and maintaining joy!

    In today’s episode, Kenzie shares how Hurricane Laura has completely destroyed her family's home in Lake Charles, Louisiana. But in a moment that can so easily feel hopeless, God came through, and He did it in a way that you might not expect.

    In today’s episode, we’re talking about topics like...

    • Trusting God through the process
    • How to have joy when life… well, sucks
    • Understanding that God doesn’t cause bad things, but He definitely uses them!
    • Maintaining a holy perspective
    • Discovering the power of a sacrifice of praise

    So grab a cup of coffee (or a refill) and get ready to talk about what to do when things aren’t exactly going the way you thought they would.

    • Follow Meg on Instagram
    • Follow Kenzie on Instagram
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    34 mins
  • Secrets to dreaming big (& taking action)
    Sep 10 2020

    Why does it seem like some people have an easier time taking risks than others? 

    Why does it feel like some people have more faith than others? 

    Ever wonder what it looks like to dream with God? 

    Trust us. We’ve asked these same questions so many times. No matter who you are or where you’re from, chances are at some point in time, you’ve been a little afraid to do something that you really wanted to do.

    We’re here to shed some light on the topics of dreaming big and taking action.

    In today’s episode, Kenzie and Meg are talking about what it takes to dream big with God. They’re sharing their secrets to taking big risks and revealing some of their best tips to help you get started…

    • Taking big risks (even when you’re scared)
    • Cultivating a heart that embraces dreaming with God
    • Realizing the potential and power of God’s Word
    • Accelerating your dreams through healthy community
    • Getting started (you got this!) 

    So grab a cup of coffee (or a refill) and get ready to uncover some of the best secrets to dreaming big with God!

    Connect with us!

    • Follow Meg on Instagram
    • Follow Kenzie on Instagram
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    35 mins
  • From Hustle to Wholeness
    Sep 3 2020

    Is it just us or does the internet make it seem like maybe there’s a formula to success that we’re all missing out on? 

    Do you hear words like “hustle” and “boss babe” and immediately equate them with success? Tired of feeling like you have to “rise and grind” just to keep up with everyone else? 

    What if fulfillment isn’t found in some formula? What if success isn’t linear? What if everyone’s journey looks different?

    All these questions and more will be answered by Meg & Kenzie in today’s episode as they hustle culture and topics like…

    • How to resist striving and lean into rest
    • Creating healthy boundaries
    • Remaining deeply rooted while chasing your dreams
    • Finding fulfillment and living from a place of wholeness
    • Living a successful AND peaceful life (YES! You can have both)

    So grab a cup of coffee (or a refill) and get ready to discover how you can switch your mindset from hustle to wholeness.

    Links mentioned in today's show

    • Read the article from Psychology Today

    Stay connected with us on social media! 

    • Follow Meg on Instagram
    • Follow Kenzie on Instagram
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    25 mins
  • Behind Dear Dreamer (Ft. Meg Kilgore & Kenzie Kober)
    Aug 27 2020

    They’re back! In today’s episode, Kenzie and Meg are sharing all of the updates since their last episode in 2018. A lot has changed in both of their lives, and it all happened in a way that they never expected. 

    Sometimes in order to be launched forward, you need to take a step back. Kenzie and Meg were both working high profile jobs and living what a lot of people might have assumed would be the dream, but when God called them to surrender their picture-perfect idea of life, everything changed.

    From Meg meeting her dream man (who is now her husband YAY!) and working in full-time ministry, to Kenzie finding her purpose in the most unlikely of places and starting her own business (with WAFFLES!), you could say they both have been on quite the adventure. 

    The dream for this podcast is that you would lean into that still small voice, and have the courage to risk and step into the hard places God is leading you into. The process rarely looks like the promise, but God will be faithful to fulfill what He has promised you. 

    Prepare to be awakened to dream, risk, and discover how you can hear God’s voice and find clarity in your next steps. 

    Connect with us!
    Follow Meg on Instagram
    Follow Kenzie on Instagram

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    33 mins