• Is This Your Year To Grow or Sow?
    Jan 7 2024

    Are you feeling a bit off about the direction of your year? You’re not alone! In this video, I show you the power of identifying whether you are in a planting or blooming year.

    By the end of this video, you’ll know how to navigate your year, whether you’re sowing the seeds for something new or reaping the rewards of hard work. Let’s unlock your potential!

    Come Say Hi!

    Start your week off right! Get on my Sunday Reset Email https://sundayreset.myflodesk.com/sundayreset

    Website: https://ambercareerstudio.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ambercareerstudio/

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    14 mins
  • The Weight Of Your Potential
    Nov 19 2023

    Have you ever felt as if you weren’t “living up to your potential?” 

    The “p-word” is dropped a lot these days, but when was the last time you took a step back to actually think about not only what potential means to you, but what you WANT it to mean to you? 

    Well, friend, today is that day.

    In this episode, we’re talking about how and what is driving the pressure we feel to “reach our potential” and how complicated that gets when we’ve been taught to ONLY see our potential through the lens of “traditional success” 

    But, you know your girl has other ideas and ways for you to redefine “potential” on your terms.

    Links Mentioned In The Show:

    Schedule a Coaching Discovery Call

    Mindset Reset Challenge

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    21 mins
  • Who Are You Without All The Things?
    Sep 24 2023

    For the next month, I’ll be living in Albania, and guess what? 

    I only brought a carry-on suitcase and a small backpack. #Dasit.

    Now, I know this isn’t for everyone, but I’m a lady who likes to pack light because I want to be able to move around as much as possible without anything holding me back and down.

    As an American, taking a chance to divest myself from all of the material things we’re taught to want is an experience. And it’s inspired some deeper reflection which leads me to the question I have for you today: Who are you without all the things? 

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    12 mins
  • It's Okay to GO SLOW
    Jul 30 2023

    There are times to step on the gas, moments when you need to coast in neutral, and of course, recognizing when you need to step on the brake. 

    On today’s show, we’re talking about why it’s “Okay to GO SLOW” in any area of your life so that you can make progress and move with more intention and enjoy your life along the way. 

    Success in our society is often depicted as such vast dichotomies. Either it’s all or nothing: total sacrifice or supreme laziness. 

    It’s just not true! This episode is about pushing back against that and giving yourself permission to take the scenic route. If you've been struggling with trying to balance enjoying the life you have with working toward the life you want, this episode is for you! 



    More Episodes of The Fab Life Project



    Cover Art designed by Amber J. Adams

    Intro and Outro music by DJ Quads “Dope”

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    17 mins
  • Your Job Is NOT Your Worth
    Jul 23 2023

    If you’ve spent any time on LinkedIn over the last few months, you’ve probably seen several of the shocked/angry/upset posts that people have made as they found themselves on the negative side of a layoff. 

    So many of these posts came from the place of feeling a loss of identity because the individual had lost the sense of “individual’ and melded with their job so closely. They had stopped seeing their value as something that is to be brought to the job, not something derived from the job. 

    When you give over your identity and your sense of worth and value to something (or someone) else, where does that leave you? 

    It's easy to accidentally allow your job to be the main thing defining who you are and your relation to the world, but today we're fighting back against that.

    I don't know who needs to hear this today, but your job? Can never, ever, equate to your intrinsic value and worth.



    More Episodes of The Fab Life Project



    Cover Art designed by Amber J. Adams

    Intro and Outro music by DJ Quads “Dope”

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    23 mins
  • Is It Too Late To Start Over?
    Jul 16 2023

    In this week’s episode of the podcast, you will hear me discuss how the universe sometimes shows up to give us the push we need to go in a different direction.  

    But, what do you do when you’re feeling resistant to the nudge?  

    What if you feel like it’s too late for you to make a change or start over?   

    In this episode, we're going to talk about how to handle your emotions around the potential of starting over, making a change, or exploring something new!



    More Episodes of The Fab Life Project



    Cover Art designed by Amber J. Adams

    Intro and Outro music by DJ Quads “Dope”

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    30 mins
  • Leave Room For Magic
    Jul 9 2023

    ⁠Though I find “manifesting” to be the sparkly, glitter-wearing cousin of “goal setting” it’s still easy to fall into a space where we want to control every aspect of the outcome. 

    As a coach, I’ve had many conversations with clients that center on the disconnect that can happen when someone has a very prescriptive, defined idea of how we think our careers and lives are supposed to play out.  When life starts to life (as life does), internal chaos can break free. 

    It’s rare that someone can plan and control absolutely everything. And even if you do, there are so many times when you can discover that the plans that were made and so strictly enforced never adhered to what YOU really wanted. 

    How can we intentionally leave space for magic in our manifestations, visions, and goals?



    More Episodes of The Fab Life Project



    Cover Art designed by Amber J. Adams

    Intro and Outro music by DJ Quads “Dope”

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    14 mins
  • When It Feels Like Everyone Else Has Succeeded
    Jul 2 2023

    We all know that comparison is the thief of joy, and yet, as humans, we find ourselves irresistibly drawn to comparing our lives with those around us. 

    In this week’s episode, we’re diving deep into exploring how comparison can block our personal growth and impact our joy if we let it. 

    Comparing our lives and our perceived success is a struggle that we ALL go through and I’m sharing some ideas for how you can find contentment and joy with where you are even if you’re in the thick of comparison chaos. 

    During this episode, I share three invaluable tools that can empower you to navigate the crappy feelings of comparison and unearth your authentic aspirations no matter where you are in your journey. 

    Connect with Amber and join me in counting down the launch of my coaching and development company, Amber Career Studio.



    More Episodes of The Fab Life Project



    Cover Art designed by Amber J. Adams

    Intro and Outro music by DJ Quads “Dope”

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    22 mins