The God of Israel or Elokei HaElokim? | Torat HaChassidut (16)
We've all dealt with the shul talkers and know its forbidden to speak in shul. Rebbe Elimelech of Lezhenk's Tzetel Katan takes it a step further, and with the help of the Zohar, Ben Ish Chai, Maggid of Mezrich and our Prophets, we delve back into the Synagogue topic that affects us all.
In the process, we will also find out why HaShem is called the God of Israel sometimes, and Elokei HaElokim other times. Learn, Share, Enjoy and Be Holy.
#shul #Synagogue #God #GodofIsrael #Nations #Judaism #Jewish #RabbiYaronReuven #RabbiElimelech #HaShem