• “They won’t let me take communion!”
    Feb 2 2025

    How should I pray for my friend who may become a missionary? What are your thoughts on the outcome of positive thinking? Do the beliefs of the “early church fathers” offer us a sound perspective on Christianity? Do I need to become an official member of my church? They won’t let me take communion until I do! Should pastors be announcing the sins of the people to the congregation as punishment? My friend showed me a video of holy laughter on YouTube, and I wonder if I’m missing something.

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    56 mins
  • Triumph in Trials – Part 4
    Feb 2 2025
    Is Your Religious Résumé Rubbish? Discussion Questions for Philippians 3:1-16:
    1. Read verse Paul describes true worshippers as those who “put no confidence in the flesh.” What does it mean to put confidence in the flesh, and how do people today seek status and worth in worldly ways? What’s the solution?
    2. Read verses 4-Paul lists his impressive credentials under the Law. Why does he bring these up? What false sources of righteousness do people rely on today?
    3. Read verses 7-Paul says he considers everything loss compared to knowing Christ. How does this perspective change how we view achievements, failures, and identity?
    4. Read verse Paul contrasts “a righteousness of my own derived from the Law" with "the righteousness that comes through faith in Christ.” How does this verse clarify the gospel, and why is it important for us to rest in Christ’s righteousness?
    5. Read verses 10-11 and react to this statement: Knowing the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings and being conformed to His death is not about “dying to self” but about living in the reality of Christ’s finished work and embracing His sufferings (in this fallen world).
    6. Read verses 12-1Paul says he hasn’t already “obtained it” or “become perfect.” What does he mean? How does this passage encourage us to press forward while also resting in our secure identity in Christ? (Hint: Contrast this with verse 15 which says we are “perfect.”)
    7. Read verse 1Paul talks about pressing toward the “the prize of the upward call.” What is this prize, and how does it differ from the world’s idea of success?
    8. Read verses 15-1Paul encourages mature believers to have this mindset. What does maturity look like, and how does it relate to what “we have attained” (verse 16)?
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    40 mins
  • Is fasting a formula for answered prayer?
    Feb 1 2025

    What role does fasting play in getting answers from God? Do you think there’s a second chance to receive Christ after death? My father recently rededicated his life to God. What are your thoughts?

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    25 mins
  • “Is God calling me to ministry?”
    Jan 31 2025

    Are there two kinds of sanctification or just one? What are premillennialism and postmillennialism? What do you think of the Calvinist “tulip”? How do you know when God is calling you to ministry?

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    26 mins
  • “False teachers did miracles in His name?”
    Jan 30 2025

    Are we really sinners and saints at the same time? How should we view ourselves? My daughter is extremely disrespectful to me. What should I do? Did Jesus know that Judas would betray Him? How could the people in Matthew 7 do miracles if they are false teachers? What is repentance? Is it different from asking for forgiveness?

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    27 mins
  • "How should we view the Book of Revelation?"
    26 mins
  • "Does what I do have meaning?"
    Jan 28 2025

    Sometimes I wonder if what I'm doing has purpose or meaning. Does it? Why did Jesus tell some they wouldn't die before they saw the Kingdom coming? Wouldn't they need to be alive until His return? Are altar calls biblical? Did Paul speak in angelic languages?

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    25 mins
  • “My narcissistic dad raised me in immorality!”
    Jan 26 2025

    How do I forgive my narcissistic dad for the childhood I missed? How do I avoid falling into the same traps today? How do we approach believers who are engaged in sexual immorality? What if they are justifying it? Is it good to debate people of other faiths when they knock on our door? How do we counter others and convince them that we have the truth? I feel overwhelmed by all of the trouble in the world, and I begin to feel despair, even when I pray. What can I do?

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    55 mins