
  • The Hangover
    Dec 16 2022

    The morning after Max let Andie walk out of that bar, he's awoken by an unwanted visitor. Check us out on Instagram: @thtfypodcast or my personal IG: @thetimba

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    18 min
  • A Date With Destiny
    Dec 8 2022

    After leaving Max at the bar, Andie decides to head back to the house to explore; but, even though she doesn't realize it, she's not going there alone. Check us out on Instagram: @thtfypodcast or my personal IG: @thetimba

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    16 min
  • Secrets Exposed
    Nov 23 2022

    The time has come for both Andie and Max to be honest each other. Check us out on Instagram: @thtfypodcast or my personal IG: @thetimba

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    23 min
  • Friendly Faces and Haunted Houses
    Nov 20 2022

    After surviving the storm, Andie wakes up to find her car's now stuck along the treacherous, coastal road. Setting off into the deep woods on foot, Andie discovers yet another road; but, as fate would have it, this one leads her right to the very thing she's been looking for. Check us out on Instagram: @thtfypodcast or my personal IG: @thetimba

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    18 min
  • Haunted Dreams (Archived Episode)
    Oct 31 2022

    As Max was waking up from his dream, Andie's was just beginning. Every time she fell asleep, the nightmares were growing worse and worse. She hadn't had dreams like this since childhood. Now, in Hollingshead, they were a nightly occurrence. Was there some connection? There had to be. But, all of these dreams seemed to be prompting her to do...something. But who, or what was causing them? What did they want her to do?

    *Disclaimer, this is an old, very poorly recorded/mixed episode. I decided to release it merely for the sake of Halloween. Not to fret, an updated, polished episode will be released in the coming weeks. Trick or Treat. Check us out on Instagram: @thtfypodcast or my personal IG: @thetimba

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    18 min
  • Unwelcomed Guests (Archived Episode)
    Oct 31 2022

    In the late nineteenth century, far above the town of Hollingshead, a splendid mansion sat atop the rocky coastline, overlooking the sea. The owners of the house had everything money could buy, but lacked the one thing it could not. Love. Try as they might, the child they called their daughter refused to give her love to them. The more they tried, the more difficult she became; until, one day, she decided she'd had enough. It was time to make a decision. Time to make her escape.

    *Disclaimer, this is an old, very poorly recorded/mixed episode. I decided to release it merely for the sake of Halloween. Not to fret, an updated, polished episode will be released in the coming weeks. Trick or Treat. Check us out on Instagram: @thtfypodcast or my personal IG: @thetimba

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    23 min
  • Shreds of Evidence (Archived Episode)
    Oct 31 2022

    Max reflects on his relationship with Andie, wondering if she feels the same way for him as he does for her. Ever since she's left on her trip to Maine, he's been trying to think of some reason why he should go after her; maybe then, away from work, away from the city, just the two of them...he'd finally be able to tell her how he feels. But, what reason could he have for going to Hollingshead? He was busy with his own work. Then, a call from an old contact may provide Max just the reason he needs to book that ticket.

    *Disclaimer, this is an old, very poorly recorded/mixed episode. I decided to release it merely for the sake of Halloween. Not to fret, an updated, polished episode will be released in the coming weeks. Trick or Treat. Check us out on Instagram: @thtfypodcast or my personal IG: @thetimba

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    27 min
  • The Storm
    Oct 22 2022

    Andie takes a drive along a treacherous coastal road, in search of the mysterious house from the photograph. She'll soon find out, the dangerous road is the least of her worries. Check us out on Instagram: @thtfypodcast or my personal IG: @thetimba

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    19 min