
  • Ep 10 - How to Pick the Right Doctor for You With Dr. Daniel Hey
    Jun 28 2022

    Dr. Daniel Hey talks about picking a doctor in this unique day and age. Dr. Hey talks about the different kinds of medical practitioners, specialists, physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, or internists that are available to you. Dr. Hey shares his perspective on what to consider when it comes to standard healthcare, direct primary care, holistic medicine, etc. It’s important to value, in the end, your specific relationship with your doctor. 

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    42 mins
  • Ep 9 - Big Pharma Didn't Use To Be This Way Featuring Special Guest, John Richardson
    Jun 21 2022

    Dr. Daniel Hey talks Big Pharma with special guest, John Richardson. John is the owner of the Black Mountain Kitchen & Ale House and Black Mountain Brewing. He is also the founder of PubCorps, a nonprofit organization that connects volunteers around community service and and breweries, restaurants and pubs (Bio Credit: The Valley Echo). Most uniquely, John has years of experience as a successful pharmaceutical representative for Pfizer, amongst other well-known pharmaceutical companies. Dr. Hey discusses with John their concerns over the brokenness of the healthcare system, Big Pharma, etc.

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    53 mins
  • Ep 8 - There Ain't No Such Thing as Free Healthcare
    Jun 14 2022

    Dr. Daniel Hey gives an overview of the various healthcare financing systems, economic concepts related to healthcare, and rationing within every system. Dr. Hey shares his opinions on how healthcare financing is compromised, regardless of political perspectives or systems in place. Different systems produce different benefits and various serious costs. A lot of money in the American healthcare system is wasted and that is in large part due to the public's misunderstandings and misconceptions of private medical practitioners and medical insurance in the United States.

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    47 mins
  • Ep 7 - The Life of a Doctor With Dr. Hey's Wife and Special Guest, “Breeze”
    Jun 7 2022

    Dr. Daniel Hey shares about his family life with special guest, “Breeze”, as they talk about their kids i.e. “Winston” and “Starr”. Dr. Hey and “Breeze” talk about what married life is like with a doctor in the family, what’s it like to be the spouse of a doctor, raising kids together, being a “medical” family, the joys of being an outdoor family, and more.

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    46 mins
  • Ep 6 - Fasting… No Fooling!
    May 31 2022

    Dr. Daniel Hey shares about the practice of fasting i.e. intermittent fasting, 24-hour fasts, fasting from screen time, food, etc. We live in a culture that tells us, “If you have an impulse, you need to immediately satisfy that impulse!” Fasting is a kind of truly healthy “discomfort” that teaches us to not be controlled by our impulses. Dr. Hey further shares about delayed gratification and the very interesting medical arguments promoting it by way of fasting. Learning to cope and manage desires, impulses, addictions promotes a kind of long-term health, wellness, and wholeness that really cannot be attained otherwise.

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    26 mins
  • Ep 5 - The Importance of Being Truly Human and Human Values in Practicing Medicine
    May 24 2022

    Today’s episode features a very special guest (and professional colleague via phone call), Dr. Richard “Bruce” Kelly MD. Dr. Daniel Hey talks with Dr. Kelly about the importance and significance of the humanities in medicine and the problem of the humanities fading away within modern medicine. Dr. Hey and Dr. Kelly revel and share in their mutual appreciation for Dr. William Osler and his deep care for the individual as opposed to the disease affecting the individual. Dr. Kelly shares this quote from his article published in 1978, “One needs a medicine that puts the person, and all his wholeness, in the center of the stage and does not separate the disease from the man or the man from his environment, a medicine that makes technology firmly subservient to human values.”

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    45 mins
  • Ep 4 - Dr. Daniel Hey Shares About Smiling With Your Eyes
    May 17 2022

    Dr. Daniel Hey shares a little bit about Dr. Duchenne de Boulogne and muscle physiology. Did you know about the Duchenne smile? Dr. Hey talks about the sincerity of smiling, yawning being contagious, certain personality disorders, and the effects of masking on our youth. Dr. Hey also shares about how endurance and resilience are important gifts we can give to ourselves and to others. Certainly, fake or superficial happiness is not something that is as admirable as an individual who has found a way to be joyful and grateful despite the amount of suffering that person has endured.

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    18 mins
  • Ep 3 - What Does a Doctor and a Specialized Kinesiologist Have in Common?
    May 10 2022

    Dr. Daniel Hey has a meaningful and informative conversation with special guest Rebecca Wineka of Just Be Wellness who is a specialized kinesiology practitioner, educator, author, outdoor enthusiast, and creative. Rebecca hails from Western North Carolina and enjoys hiking on mountain trails, fly fishing, photographing the Blue Ridges, enjoying holy moments over coffee, and is always grateful for the presence of those dear to her heart.  She shares about her lifelong commitment to seeking what it means for her to “just be”. She is passionate about walking among the healing brigade in the world today with a devotion to personal well-being and wholeheartedness.

    You can learn more about Rebecca Wineka and specialized kinesiology via her website at www.JustBeWellnessLLC.com.

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    35 mins