02. The Al-Aqsa compound (Bayt Al Maqdis)
03. A burried treasure
04. Tunnels under Masjid Al Aqsa
05. The treasure of Solomon
06. Crusades of Jerusalem
07. Another secret treasure
08. The twin sisters
09. The most dangerous book of all
10. A very powerful military order
11. The grand master of the order
12. Pope's private library in Vatican city
13. The story of Jacques De Molay
14. The head of Baphomet
15. Knight Templars & Alchemy
16. As Above So Below
17. A third treasure
18. How did prophets look like ?
19. The most valuable treasure
20. The dark green Jannatein
Welcome to the 20th and final chapter of 40,000 of knowledge documentary series.
In this chapter I will tell you about four secret treasures buried in four different places. I will also tell you about a very powerful military unit or an elite military order called The Knight Templars and the story of their grand master Jacques De Molay. I will also tell you about the gruesome and shocking revelations that he made. I will also tell you how all the prophets looked like ? And finally The Dark Green Jannatein will appear in front of us.
Assalamo Alaikum, My name is Furqan Qureshi and I conduct research in Quran, Science, History & Archeology to show us and our children, How beautiful our God is.
To support my research work, please buy my coffee from this link.
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Thank You For Listening.