• The Moral Life in a Therapeutic Age
    Feb 18 2025

    Philip Rieff adopted the categories and language of Freud, but reinterpreted them in a way that supported culture and the moral life. Batchelder and Harding have edited a new volume of essays on Rieff, who they argue is a key thinker for any attempt to diagnose late modern cultural life. They join host James Patterson to discuss Rieff, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan Sontag, and unimaginable depravities.

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    54 mins
  • Religion and the Republic
    Feb 4 2025

    Historically grounded assessments of the American republic's relationship with religion require nuanced thinking and an appreciation for ambiguity. Unfortunately, those qualities don't sell. So American history is replete with attempts to construct a simple narrative of a Christian nation or a wholly secular liberalism. Jerome Copulsky and Mark Noll join James Patterson to discuss Copulsky's book, American Heretics, which examines certain strands of religious thinking that, in one way or another, have sought to overcome the fact of American religious pluralism.

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    54 mins
  • The Disgrace of Legal Ed
    Jan 21 2025

    A poorly worded tweet became a career-altering conflagration for Ilya Shapiro in a particularly egregious example of cancel culture. It prompted him to take a hard look at the state of legal education, which he now skewers in Lawless: The Miseducation of America's Elite. He and host James Patterson discuss the book, the atrocious impact critical theory and DEI has had on our law schools, and what the future might hold.

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    45 mins
  • A Voice in the Modern Wilderness
    Jan 7 2025

    Anyone could be forgiven for not knowing much about Peter Viereck. The eccentric historian and poet was one of the first mid-century thinkers to robustly embrace the "conservative" label, but he fell out of favor with movement conservatives and has been largely forgotten. John Wilsey thinks that's a mistake. He joins Law & Liberty's editor, John Grove, to talk about Viereck and his unique conservative manner of approaching the challenges of modern life.

    Related Links

    John Wilsey, "Peter Viereck's Unadjusted Conservatism," Law & Liberty
    Peter Viereck, Conservatism: From John Adams to Winston Churchill
    Peter Viereck, Conservatism Revisited
    Peter Viereck, Unadjusted Man in the Age of Overadjustment
    John Wilsey, Religious Freedom: A Conservative Primer (pre-order)
    Claes Ryn, "Peter Viereck: Traditionalist Libertarian?" Law & Liberty
    Robert Lacey, Pragmatic Conservatism

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    52 mins
  • Optimism for the Western Project
    Dec 17 2024

    Konstantin Kisin has emerged as a powerful voice opposing "wokeness" in part because he has a unique appreciation for what makes Western civilization special.

    He and Helen Dale discuss the current state of wokeness, his own engagement with it, and the politics of the US, UK, and Australia. Ultimately, the moment calls not just for diagnosing Western malaise, but also gratitude for all the West offers us, and optimism for its future.

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Debt Politics
    Nov 19 2024

    In the wake of the 2024 election, former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels joins James Patterson to talk about the one issue politicians all try to avoid: the national debt. Though we have an impending debt disaster, both sides of the aisle avoid the hard choices that will eventually need to be made. Today, Daniels worries, it may be too late for a soft landing. We chose not to find solutions, and we'll start living with consequences very soon. Daniels and Patterson also touch on the state of higher education, the election, and our evolving partisan dynamics.

    Further Reading:

    Mitch Daniels, "The Day the Dollar Died," Washington Post
    Mitch Daniels, "I'm Talking to You," Law & Liberty (2022 Purdue University Commencement Remarks)
    Vance Ginn and Thomas Savidge, "Two Rules to Tackle America's Debt," Law & Liberty
    Samuel Gregg, "David Hume and America's Debt Disaster," Law & Liberty

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    38 mins
  • A Higher-Ed Renaissance?
    Oct 22 2024

    The past five years have been tumultuous ones for elite higher education. Campuses have been rocked by plagiarism scandals, ugly and violent protests, and revelations about admissions discrimination that went on under the guise of affirmative action. Meanwhile, reformers are trying out new approaches, from civics institutes to more robust legislative oversight of public universities to brand new private institutions. How pivotal will these years turn out to be? And what strategies are most likely to revive the mission of the university? Law & Liberty senior writer James Hankins has hope for a higher-ed renaissance.

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    47 mins
  • Conservative Fusion
    Oct 8 2024

    When conservatives debate fundamentals, it does not take long for "fusionism" to come up. But it's not always clear what it is. Is it a philosophical stance or a practical coalition? Was it a historically contingent response to the Cold War or an integral part of any conservative disposition? An all-star panel joins host James Patterson to discuss and debate what fusionism really is and what the prospects are for its future. Charles C. W. Cooke, Samuel Goldman, and Stephanie Slade consider fusionism's origins in mid-century America, its culmination in the 1980s and its current status.

    Charles C. W. Cooke is a senior editor at National Review and the host of The Charles C. W. Cooke Podcast.

    Samuel Goldman is an associate professor of political science and executive director of the Loeb Institute for Religious Freedom at George Washington University. He is author of God’s Country: Christian Zionism in America, and After Nationalism: Being American in an Age of Division, and has written for many publications. He is the editor of FUSION.

    Stephanie Slade is a senior editor at Reason and a fellow in liberal studies at the Acton Institute.

    Related Links:
    Charles C. W. Cooke, "A Roadmap—If We Want It" (Law & Liberty)
    Stephanie Slade, "Is There a Future for Fusionism?" (Reason)
    FUSION: In the Tradition of Liberty, (Samuel Goldman, Editor)
    Charles C. W. Cooke, The Conservatarian Manifesto

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    1 hr and 3 mins