Part 91 of the David Pawson 'Unlocking the Bible' Podcast series
Teaching on the Letters of John, David Pawson discusses the issue of sin in the believer’s life. At first sight, there appear to be contradictory verses, but careful study brings clarity. David proves that it is dangerous to take a verse out of its context. Another subject covered is the difference between males and females because two of John’s letters are addressed separately to a woman and a man about the same subject, and yet saying opposite things. Hospitality was the very important theme, as it is possible to invite heresy into a church by inviting visiting ministries without verifying the truth of their teaching. David says that churches need both local ministry and travelling ministries. John’s third letter addresses the problem of holding a church’s ministry too closely and not showing love to honourable visiting ministries. David emphasizes the need for both truth and love in each life.