Jonah becomes agitated and angry when God forgives the people of Nineveh. The life of Jonah part 2 will discuss why Jonah was wrong in his thinking towards the people. of Nineveh. We begin this podcast by reading Jonah 4:1-2. In these two verses, we see that Jonah becomes mad after he had visited the people of Nineveh. This great revival is taking place, and we learn the preacher hates the congregation. Jonah did not like his congregation. Jonah then states that he knew God was slow to anger when he did not do what he was supposed to. Jonah wanted to see destruction come to the people of Nineveh. The Syrians were very cruel people, and Jonah knew this. If they had repented, God is true to forgive them. This leads to Jonah becoming angry and agitated. Jonah makes this clear in chapter four. This is much different from the Jonah that we discuss in the first podcast on Jonah that we covered in this series (click here to listen now!). So how does this apply to our Christian wal