This series is the story of a giant metagenome assembly from Wisconsin’s Lake Mendota. In this episode: a look at the supercomputing that stitches together large datasets with the assembler program MetaHipMer2.
Oak Ridge National Lab is home to two supercomputers — Summit and Frontier — that process terabytes of data with MetaHipMer2. And the National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) has another supercomputer, Perlmutter that works at large scale. But nearby the JGI, a cluster called Dori is also capable of running smaller assemblies — so we head there for a sense of what this supercomputing looks like.
Links from this episode:
- Submit your own proposal to work with the JGI
- Find all episode transcripts on our website
- Robert Riley at the 2016 DOE JGI Genomics of Energy & Environment Meeting
- MetaHipMer
- The ExaBiome Project
- Our contact info:
- Twitter: @JGI
- Email: jgi-comms at lbl dot gov