In "The Mystery at Number Seven," the tranquil facade of a Victorian seaside town conceals a web of dark secrets. When an unexplained death occurs in a seemingly ordinary household, suspicion falls on various characters, each harbouring their own hidden passions and motives. Through the eyes of Johnny Ludlow, we witness amateur sleuths unravel a tale filled with unexpected twists and moral dilemmas. As the investigation deepens, questions of love, betrayal, and the price of hidden sins emerge, exposing the shadowy undercurrents of polite society. Mrs. Henry Wood's masterful storytelling keeps readers guessing until the very end, reminding us that in this world of intrigue and deception, nothing is as it first appears. This is our 50th Episode! ⭐ Join my Patreon ⭐ Go here for a library of ad-free stories, a monthly members only story and early access to the regular stories I put out. You can choose to have ghost stories only, or detective stories or classic literature, or all of them for either $5 or $10 a month. Many hundreds of hours of stories. Who needs Audible? Or, if you'd just like to make a one-off gesture of thanks for my work Learn more about your ad choices. Visit