We are so excited to present one of the key figures of Nerd/Geek Culture, Mr. Toby Radloff, to our podcast. Toby took on the qualifier of "Genuine Nerd" after becoming fascinated by the quintessential Nerd Culture film Revenge of the Nerds, and later built his own reputation as such through his reoccurring role in Harvey Pekar's groundbreaking comic book series American Splendor. Toby would appear as himself in the film adaptation of Splendor, which also featured renown comedian/actor Judah Friedlander as Toby, too. Toby starred in his own series of "Genuine Nerd" interstitials which he helped write and produce for MTV in the late eighties/early nineties, as well. These brief spots were directed by longtime friend and collaborator Wayne Alan Harold who additionally directed Toby's two Troma films Killer Nerd and Bride of the Killer Nerd. Get ready to hear the word "nerd" far more than any episode of NERTZ yet!