• SE06:EP01 Self-Reliance and Resilience in Business and in Life. A Question of Compound Return.
    May 13 2021

    In this, my first post-vaccine episode, I implore you (again) to maintain your resilience and adaptability in the face of lockdowns and quarantines. Needless animosity and advocacy is, at some level, a waste of time. Time goes on and opportunities aren't locked down. They ceaselessly search for their own champions of delivery and execution in all markets and conditions. 

    I also explain the power of compound yield and the benefits of:

    • reinvesting earnings
    • systematically invest new money each year, or better, every month
    • and if possible, as part of an RRSP, reinvest the tax savings generated by their contributions

    If you want to generate scenarios based on your own assumptions, there are different calculators online, including the one, very well done, of the site "Manage Your Money Better" offered by the Ontario Securities Commission. See here https://www.getsmarteraboutmoney.ca/calculators/compound-interest-calculator/


    Follow my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/jeffhowardbarrett/

    -To subscribe to my e-Newsletter Actualis and to learn all things about basic investment, debt, savings, and insurance advice click here: http://newsletter.actualisbulletin.ca/8787 

    -To Schedule a consultation (virtual) click here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/JeffreyHBarrettCIM@sfl.ca/bookings/

    Jeffrey H Barrett CIM® Investment Fund Advisor * Life & Health Insurance Advisor

    7051 Bayers Rd. Suite 202 | Halifax (Nova Scotia) B3L 2C1

    Phone: 902.799.1185 | Fax: 888.384.8818 | Office: 902.446.4560

    jeffrey.barrett@dfsin.ca| www.dfsin.ca/jeffreyhbarrett

    *The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Real investment advice is one-on-one, consultative, and collaborative and should be part of an agreed-to mutual engagement.

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    26 mins
  • SE05:EP10 Lockdown Phase 3, the Canadian Budget, Conspiracy, Ignorance, and the Absence of Kaleidoscopic Intelligence.
    May 5 2021

    In this episode I discuss how the pressures of the prolonged lockdown have exposed emotional biases in our attempts to understand and deal with the world. Our resistance to balanced analysis is driven by personal traumas, personal motivations or, instead, betrays a selfish desire for power and influence. Perhaps too, ignorance can be a choice ("philistinism"). Whatever it is, when faced with a common human tragedy our ability to coordinate a total human response has been fractured by reinforced assumptions of our own individual preciousness of opinion and purpose. Just a theory.

    Oh. I also give you seven takeaways from the Apr 19th Budget.


     Follow my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/jeffhowardbarrett/

    -To subscribe to my e-Newsletter Actualis and to learn all things about basic investment, debt, savings, and insurance advice click here: http://newsletter.actualisbulletin.ca/8787 

    -To Schedule a consultation (virtual) click here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/JeffreyHBarrettCIM@sfl.ca/bookings/

    Jeffrey H Barrett CIM® Investment Fund Advisor * Life & Health Insurance Advisor

    7051 Bayers Rd. Suite 202 | Halifax (Nova Scotia) B3L 2C1

    Phone: 902.799.1185 | Fax: 888.384.8818 | Office: 902.446.4560

    jeffrey.barrett@dfsin.ca| www.dfsin.ca/jeffreyhbarrett

    *The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Real investment advice is one-on-one, consultative, and collaborative and should be part of an agreed-to mutual engagement.

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    33 mins
  • SE05:EP09 Another Lockdown, My "Four Kids' Mentality" Thesis, and Six Tips to Prevent a 2020 Tax Calamity.
    Apr 23 2021

    In this impromptu episode I remind you that lobbying is not relevant in the battle to contain the pandemic. Doing so takes resources and time away from meaningful discussions with essential workers, science and government on stopping the spread of the virus.  I also explore my thoughts on my attempting to take an old-school approach to parenting, and I provide six tips on handling your irregular 2020 income tax bill. 


    Follow my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/jeffhowardbarrett/

    -To subscribe to my e-Newsletter Actualis and to learn all things about basic investment, debt, savings, and insurance advice click here: http://newsletter.actualisbulletin.ca/8787 

    -To Schedule a consultation (virtual) click here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/JeffreyHBarrettCIM@sfl.ca/bookings/

    Jeffrey H Barrett CIM® Investment Fund Advisor * Life & Health Insurance Advisor

    7051 Bayers Rd. Suite 202 | Halifax (Nova Scotia) B3L 2C1

    Phone: 902.799.1185 | Fax: 888.384.8818 | Office: 902.446.4560

    jeffrey.barrett@dfsin.ca| www.dfsin.ca/jeffreyhbarrett

    *The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Real investment advice is one-on-one, consultative, and collaborative and should be part of an agreed-to mutual engagement.

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    28 mins
  • SE05:EP08 Climbing the Mount Everest of Your Life: My Magic Scheduling Secrets and the Global Dow.
    Apr 20 2021

    In this episode I give you one of the major secrets of how I schedule my time. It's a system I borrowed from Wayne Cotton. It is literally a colour-coded system of scheduling every minute of every day. Most importantly, only one colour per day. Your free time comes first...then everything else. 

    I also continue to remind you to get after it. Life is too short to waste time. 

    Lastly I remind you of the power of portfolio selection and getting expert advice by a quick explanation of the Global Dow, which has been +53% in the last year. You may not need to take that much risk but there are always good opportunities out there. You just need someone to find them for you. 


     Follow my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/jeffhowardbarrett/

    -To subscribe to my e-Newsletter Actualis and to learn all things about basic investment, debt, savings, and insurance advice click here: http://newsletter.actualisbulletin.ca/8787 

    -To Schedule a consultation (virtual) click here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/JeffreyHBarrettCIM@sfl.ca/bookings/

    Jeffrey H Barrett CIM® Investment Fund Advisor * Life & Health Insurance Advisor

    7051 Bayers Rd. Suite 202 | Halifax (Nova Scotia) B3L 2C1

    Phone: 902.799.1185 | Fax: 888.384.8818 | Office: 902.446.4560

    jeffrey.barrett@dfsin.ca| www.dfsin.ca/jeffreyhbarrett

    *The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Real investment advice is one-on-one, consultative, and collaborative and should be part of an agreed-to mutual engagement.

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    31 mins
  • SE05:EP07 Would You Rather Retire 30% Richer or with 4X More Wealth? The Folding of Time through Memory- A Message Reincarnate.
    Mar 26 2021

    In this episode I compare 5 portfolios from "Do-it Yourself" investment companies with 5 broadly diversified portfolios available from your full-service advisor. The results are not surprising. 

    The issue has never been about delivery, it has been about marketing. The question of the "value" of advice has been fairly definitively answered by now. But even if you don't care about advisor value or you believe in the marketing, a study that only looks at performance will be useful for you.


    Follow my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/jeffhowardbarrett/

    -To subscribe to my e-Newsletter Actualis and to learn all things about basic investment, debt, savings, and insurance advice click here: http://newsletter.actualisbulletin.ca/8787 

    -To Schedule a consultation (virtual) click here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/JeffreyHBarrettCIM@sfl.ca/bookings/

    Jeffrey H Barrett CIM® Investment Fund Advisor * Life & Health Insurance Advisor

    7051 Bayers Rd. Suite 202 | Halifax (Nova Scotia) B3L 2C1

    Phone: 902.799.1185 | Fax: 888.384.8818 | Office: 902.446.4560

    jeffrey.barrett@dfsin.ca| www.dfsin.ca/jeffreyhbarrett

    *The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Real investment advice is one-on-one, consultative, and collaborative and should be part of an agreed-to mutual engagement.


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    26 mins
  • SE05:EP06 Five Facts from the History of Stock Market Drops, a FedEx Delivery Victory, and My New Water Purifier.
    Mar 17 2021

    In this episode I give you five facts drawn from the history of stock market drops that can help us put this recent economic situation into perspective. 

    I also give credit to FedEx for finding my lost Leatherman tool in less than three days and delivering it to my house. 

    Most importantly I give a shout out to Greyl for their awesome portable water purifier. Backcountry Camping season almost here!


    Follow my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/jeffhowardbarrett/

    -To subscribe to my e-Newsletter Actualis and to learn all things about basic investment, debt, savings, and insurance advice click here: http://newsletter.actualisbulletin.ca/8787 

    -To Schedule a consultation (virtual) click here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/JeffreyHBarrettCIM@sfl.ca/bookings/

    Jeffrey H Barrett CIM® Investment Fund Advisor * Life & Health Insurance Advisor

    7051 Bayers Rd. Suite 202 | Halifax (Nova Scotia) B3L 2C1

    Phone: 902.799.1185 | Fax: 888.384.8818 | Office: 902.446.4560

    jeffrey.barrett@dfsin.ca| www.dfsin.ca/jeffreyhbarrett

    *The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Real investment advice is one-on-one, consultative, and collaborative and should be part of an agreed-to mutual engagement.

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    17 mins
  • SE05:EP05. You Don't Time the Markets, You Time Your Contributions. Opus' "Life is Life," a Narrative of Authenticity and Three Secrets of Investing
    Mar 4 2021

    In this episode I explain three secret strategies for boosting your retirement capital without investing more or taking more risk. Also, I remind you to make the choice to be "authentic, real and understandable in a narrative that's false to begin with." 

    In the final conclusion I implore you to resist the idea of surrender to predetermination and to paint the known future with the colors and hues of your own human individual spirit. 


    Follow my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/jeffhowardbarrett/

    -To subscribe to my e-Newsletter Actualis and to learn all things about basic investment, debt, savings, and insurance advice click here: http://newsletter.actualisbulletin.ca/8787 

    -To Schedule a consultation (virtual) click here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/JeffreyHBarrettCIM@sfl.ca/bookings/

    Jeffrey H Barrett CIM® Investment Fund Advisor * Life & Health Insurance Advisor

    7051 Bayers Rd. Suite 202 | Halifax (Nova Scotia) B3L 2C1

    Phone: 902.799.1185 | Fax: 888.384.8818 | Office: 902.446.4560

    jeffrey.barrett@dfsin.ca| www.dfsin.ca/jeffreyhbarrett

    *The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Real investment advice is one-on-one, consultative, and collaborative and should be part of an agreed-to mutual engagement.

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    18 mins
  • SE05:EP04 What does Wham, a Russian Love Poem, and Sesame Street have to do with Investing Your Tax Return. Maybe Nothing?
    Feb 18 2021

    In this episode I turn a love poem from Vladimir Nabokov's into a discussion of five simple strategies for spending/investing your tax return. 

    I also talk about my new partnership with Medavie Blue Cross. 


    Однажды мы под вечер оба
    стояли на старом мосту.
    Скажи мне, спросил я, до гроба
    запомнишь вон ласточку ту?
    И ты отвечала: еще бы!
    И как мы заплакали оба,
    как вскрикнула жизнь на лету…
    До завтра, навеки, до гроба —
    однажды, на старом мосту…


    Follow my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/jeffhowardbarrett/

    -To subscribe to my e-Newsletter Actualis and to learn all things about basic investment, debt, savings, and insurance advice click here: http://newsletter.actualisbulletin.ca/8787 

    -To Schedule a consultation (virtual) click here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/JeffreyHBarrettCIM@sfl.ca/bookings/

    Jeffrey H Barrett CIM® Investment Fund Advisor * Life & Health Insurance Advisor

    7051 Bayers Rd. Suite 202 | Halifax (Nova Scotia) B3L 2C1

    Phone: 902.799.1185 | Fax: 888.384.8818 | Office: 902.446.4560

    jeffrey.barrett@dfsin.ca| www.dfsin.ca/jeffreyhbarrett

    *The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Real investment advice is one-on-one, consultative, and collaborative and should be part of an agreed-to mutual engagement.

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    16 mins