The Patient with Early Atherosclerotic Disease-What to Do, What Not to Do
Guest: Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, M.D., M.B.A. (@CVDprevention)
Host: Stephen L. Kopecky, M.D. (@DrSteveKopecky)
Many people have a family history of atherosclerotic disease — heart attacks, strokes or blockages in the body's arteries caused by cholesterol plaques. If atherosclerosis occurs at an early age or affects multiple family members, or if the family history includes sudden death, there is cause for concern.
Joining us today to discuss family history of early atherosclerotic disease and its impact on cardiovascular health is Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, M.D., M.B.A., chair of Preventive Cardiology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Specific topics discussed:
- Concerns generated by a family history of atherosclerosis
- Genetic markers for atherosclerotic disease
- Impact of genes vs. lifestyle on the likelihood of atherosclerosis
- When and how to conduct genetic testing
- Treatment for peripheral arterial disease and cerebrovascular disease
- What not to do for patients with atherosclerosis
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No CME credit offered for this episode.
Podcast transcript available here.