Join us for a journey through the maze that is the Russian language, as Marsha struggles to enlighten Zac as to object genders, plurals and other confusing nonsense.
Words and phrases:
- Parliament: дума - ‘Duma’
- Monday: понедельник - ‘ponedel'nik’
- Tuesday: вторник - ‘vtornik’
- Wednesday: Среда - ‘Sreda’
- Thursday: Четверг - ‘Chetverg’
- Friday: Пятница - ‘Pyatnitsa’
- Saturday: суббота - ‘subbota’
- Sunday: Воскресенье - ‘Voskresen'ye’
- Car: Машина - ‘Mashina’
- My Car: Моя машина - ‘Moya mashina’
- My Chair: Мой стул - ‘Moy stul’
- ы - ‘Oui’
- Ball: Мяч - ‘Myach’
- Play: Играть - ‘Igrat’
- Computer: Компьютер - ‘Komp'yuter’
- Train: Поезд - ‘Poyezd'
- Hat: Шляпа - ‘Shlyapa’
In Russia, podcast reviews you! - Спасибо большое!