Welcome to Season 3 Episode 6 of the We Are All Human Podcast! I am very excited about this episode because it features connection made through vulnerability. Our guest is Tiffany Doyle, Enneagram 2 . Tiffany is involved in the ministry and is the wife of Evan Doyle of EnneagramGift who was featured in the previous episode. She will explain how we came to be connected, how she stepped into her vulnerability, as well as sharing her story of shame and how she overcomes this to live in her purpose. We incorporate thought work using the thought model to illustrate how Tiffany showed up in life while in the cycle of shame versus after she was transformed by her faith.
As was mentioned in the episode, both Tiffany and I are here for you if you are walking through this or something similar and need support. Connect with Tiffany and her ministry on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/doyleflower/.
I am equipped as a coach to help bring clarity to your thoughts and guide you to proactive choices in life. Reach out to me on Instagram as well at: https://instagram.com/weareallhumanpodcast
Links mentioned in the episode:
Be Still Ministries
Katy's episode on Shame
The Thought Model - An Explanation
Tiffany's husband, Evan Doyle of Enneagram Gift, episode