This is not just another episode of the Divine Design Podcast—this is a transmission.
In this profound and deeply activating conversation with Veerle, we uncover what it truly means to be a Medicine Woman in this new era. We dive into the power of transference, the feminine rising, and the embodiment of the New Human.
✨ How do we hold space for transformation without losing ourselves? ✨ How do we navigate the projections that come with embodying the divine feminine? ✨ How do we balance our medicine power so that it remains clear, strong, and aligned?
We talk about radical self-acceptance, the breaking down of old programming, and the shift into living from our light bodies. We touch on Mary Magdalene, Sophia, Frøya, and the rebirthing of a new world. And we share the revelations that shook us to our core.
💛 This episode carries a frequency that will meet you where you are and call you deeper into your own wisdom. 💛 If you are a healer, a seeker, a woman reclaiming her power—this conversation is for you.
Are you ready to step into the field of the Medicine Woman?
Listening to this episode will shift your perspective on what it truly means to embody healing, power, and divine wisdom. This is not just a conversation—it is a radical initiation into the new paradigm.
✨ This episode is a bridge between the old and the new, breaking down outdated structures and awakening a deeper truth within you. It will challenge, expand, and activate something profound in your being."
✨ If you are ready to step beyond the illusions of the past and fully embrace the new way of being, this is the episode that will ignite that shift within you.
From the Divine Power in US - to the Divine essence in YOU ✨