What is the value of a local church? A church family? Have you ever had a period in your life, that you look back upon, and you can see how the relationships and friendships that you had during this time shaped the rest of your life...friendships that you'll never forget?
Join Mike Allred for a unique episode as he reunites with five dear friends from the past, Jeff Fisher, Tinney and Michelle Parrish, Tom Tyzack and George Lindley. They reminisce and explore their experiences as teens and young adults in their small, neighborhood church. You'll hear what brought them together, the lessons learned, the mistakes made, the careers forged, how they broke their pastor's ribs, and many more heartbreaks and blessings they experienced as they actively served through their church and alongside the 'Greatest Generation.'
You'll also hear about the importance of music in their lives, and how these five men came together as a Christian Quintet known as 'The Brooklyn Boys,' ministering throughout Baltimore. It's a lesson and summary of how blessed we are, how we can influence one another, and how our God can grow us through His Church. We invite you along for the ride!
Episode 54