Ep #46: Thom Rigsby joins us as we close out 2024, embark into 2025, and set our sights on growing American Contingency into the preeminent member-driven preparedness organization. Whether a current member or one someone thinking of joining - you will find your people here.
As we say goodbye to this iteration of the podcast, I leave you as host of the AmCon show and bid you farewell by saying goodbye how I said hello - with Thom and I outlining what we've done, what we are doing, and what we will do as AmCon sets its sights on goals you can help us fulfill by becoming active in your local area and being the leader we all know you will be once you step outside your comfort zone.
Let's do this one more time, and then it's up to all of y'all to help us make this happen.
It's not goodbye...just see you later.
When you’re ready to build the skills, network, and confidence to be prepared for whatever comes next, join us at AmericanContingency.com. We’re here when you’re ready. We’ll keep the fire going for you so you can find your way.