Investing in your own health and happiness is the best way to be strong for others.
In this episode of The Talking Healthier Tuckshops Podcast, host, Deanne Wooden, talks to happiness expert, Claire Massingham on how to take time to focus on your physical and mental health, and how living well is a journey and doesn’t happen all at once.
Making goals and finding ways to be accountable to yourself will give you the best chance of success.
About Claire and the Happiness Bank:
Shop for the Happiness Book:
About the guest:
Claire is a health professional who writes and speaks on topics including happiness, motivation, change, how exercise can make you feel good, guilt-free self-care, emotional wellbeing and healthy lifestyles.
Claire’s own experiences in life have shaped her sink or swim mentality. She says she chose to be happy but it is not something that just comes to you.
Claire believes health and happiness go hand-in-hand and to get started on a healthier life journey sometimes requires breaking through some barriers.
Claire likes to talk about the ‘Happiness Bank’ – investing in your own happiness and topping up your bank.
The Talking Healthier Tuckshops podcast is funded by the Queensland Government through Health and Wellbeing Queensland as part of the Healthier Tuckshops program.
This podcast is proudly brought to you by the Queensland Association of School Tuckshops and funded by the Queensland Government through Health and Wellbeing Queensland.