
  • S02E04 (Part 2) - What Is the Opposite of an Orgasm?
    Apr 20 2023

    In Part 2 of Episode 4, Season 2, the boys discuss the following:
    - Movie genres we would like to see return to popularity

    - Owen's Hidden Gem search

    - Hayden's Anti-Cast List

    - Doc's Erotic Fan Fiction. Full version can be found here https://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=6097

    - What Doc, Hayden and Owen have been watching lately.
    The Uncredited Extras is now part of the Vigilante's Vendetta Productions podcast network. To support us, become a Patreon on the VVP Patreon page here: Vigilante's Vendetta Productions | Podcasts | Patreon

    To find all of our social media platforms and listening apps, plus all of our personal social media accounts click our Linktree here bit.ly/3nykFL1

    Want to join our FB discussion groups? You can join Box Office Kings here bit.ly/39xXHz5 or TV Kings here bit.ly/2Yw3kHR. Just answer any question with "The Uncredited Extras" to gain automatic approval.

    Intro music: TripHop (Outtake) by Original Middle Ground
    Outro music: TripHop by Original Middle Ground
    Other music used in this episode:

    Film's Doc Hasn't Seen music: Setuniman - Intro v24m
    Owen's Hidden Gems music: zagi2 - Darkwood intro Hayden's Anti Cast List music: Lost Dream - Intro

    Doc's Erotic Fan Fiction: Natasha's Loop2 - zagi2

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    58 mins
  • S02E04 (Part 1) - That's Cheaper Than Most Soft Core Porn
    Apr 13 2023

    In Part 1 of Episode 4, Season 2, the boys discuss the following:

    - The Passion Project: We discuss what fake movie titles are in the pool for us to make a real movie of, which listeners will get to decide. - Doc's Tubi Title Challenge: Hayden gives Doc two potential movie titles from Tubi. Doc has to guess which one is fake and which is real.
    - Hayden's Pantless Rant: Hayden unleashes on the MCU
    - Owen's watch a Blockbuster then a Mockbuster
    - Hayden's Movie Challenge: Hayden had to watch a film called Dickshark to avoid watching Kirk Cameron Saves Christmas.
    The Uncredited Extras is now part of the Vigilante's Vendetta Productions podcast network. To support us, become a Patreon on the VVP Patreon page here: Vigilante's Vendetta Productions | Podcasts | Patreon

    To find all of our social media platforms and listening apps, plus all of our personal social media accounts click our Linktree here bit.ly/3nykFL1

    Want to join our FB discussion groups? You can join Box Office Kings here bit.ly/39xXHz5 or TV Kings here bit.ly/2Yw3kHR. Just answer any question with "The Uncredited Extras" to gain automatic approval.

    Opening credits music: Soulaflair - Cue 3 Intro music: TripHop (Outtake) by Original Middle Ground
    Outro music: TripHop by Original Middle Ground
    Other music used in this episode:
    Hayden's Pantless Rant music: SergeQuadrado - Herioc Intro
    Doc's Tubi Title Challenge music: BeatArchive - Thunder Short Intro Watch a Blockbuster the the Mockbuster music: Setuniman - undercover 1P58

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    53 mins
  • S02E03 (Part 2) - You've Chosen Well, You Bastards!
    Feb 9 2023

    In Part 2 of Episode 3, Season 2, the boys discuss the following:

    - Hayden's Pantless Rant.
    - Owen's Hidden Gem search
    - New name for Hayden's Movie Challenge
    - Doc's Tubi Title Challenge
    - NEW SEGMENT: Doc's Erotic Fan Fiction
    - What Doc, Hayden and Owen have been watching lately.

    The Uncredited Extras is now part of the Vigilante's Vendetta Productions podcast network. To support us, become a Patreon on the VVP Patreon page here: Vigilante's Vendetta Productions | Podcasts | Patreon

    To find all of our social media platforms and listening apps, plus all of our personal social media accounts click our Linktree here bit.ly/3nykFL1

    Want to join our FB discussion groups? You can join Box Office Kings here bit.ly/39xXHz5 or TV Kings here bit.ly/2Yw3kHR. Just answer any question with "The Uncredited Extras" to gain automatic approval.

    Intro music: TripHop (Outtake) by Original Middle Ground
    Outro music: TripHop by Original Middle Ground

    Other music used in this episode:
    Hayden's Pantless Rant music: SergeQuadrado - Herioc Intro
    Owen's Hidden Gems music: zagi2 - Darkwood intro
    Doc's Tubi Title Challenge music: BeatArchive - Thunder Short Intro

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    44 mins
  • S02E03 (Part 1) - I'll Tuck It Back In The Undies
    Feb 2 2023

    In Part 1 of Episode 3, Season 2, the boys discuss the following:

    - The Passion Project.
    - Hayden's Dickshark Movie Challenge: he had to watch The Hottie & The Nottie and Wild Mountain Thyme, or he had to watch Dickshark.
    - Film's Doc Hasn't Seen: Doc had to watch The Last Starfighter or Hayden could spoil the end of either Jaws, Casino Royale or Citizen Kane.
    - Owen watches a Blockbuster, then the Mockbuster.
    - We take Hayden's Anti Cast list to strange new places!

    Stay tuned for Part two of this episode, which will be released 7 days after this part!

    The Uncredited Extras is now part of the Vigilante's Vendetta Productions podcast network. To support us, become a Patreon on the VVP Patreon page here: Vigilante's Vendetta Productions | Podcasts | Patreon

    To find all of our social media platforms and listening apps, plus all of our personal social media accounts click our Linktree here bit.ly/3nykFL1

    Want to join our FB discussion groups? You can join Box Office Kings here bit.ly/39xXHz5 or TV Kings here bit.ly/2Yw3kHR. Just answer any question with "The Uncredited Extras" to gain automatic approval.

    Opening credits music: Soulaflair - Cue 3
    Intro music: TripHop (Outtake) by Original Middle Ground
    Outro music: TripHop by Original Middle Ground

    Other music used in this episode:
    Hayden's Dickshark Movie Challenge music: SergeQuadrado - Randy Bass
    Film's Doc Hasn't Seen music: Setuniman - Intro v24m
    Watch a Blockbuster the the Mockbuster music: Setuniman - undercover 1P58
    Hayden's Anti Cast List music: Lost Dream - Intro

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    44 mins
  • S02E02 (Part 2) - Is Bluey the Prick from Blue's Clues?
    Jan 19 2023

    In Part 2 of Episode 2, Season 2, the boys discuss the following:

    - Owen watches a Blockbuster, then a Mockbuster.
    - Hayden's Pantless Rant.
    - Owen's Hidden Gem search, including Wild Men, The Long Walk and The Innocents.
    - What Doc, Hayden and Owen have been watching lately.

    The Uncredited Extras is now part of the Vigilante's Vendetta Productions podcast network. To support us, become a Patreon on the VVP Patreon page here: Vigilante's Vendetta Productions | Podcasts | Patreon

    To find all of our social media platforms and listening apps, plus all of our personal social media accounts click our Linktree here bit.ly/3nykFL1

    Want to join our FB discussion groups? You can join Box Office Kings here bit.ly/39xXHz5 or TV Kings here bit.ly/2Yw3kHR. Just answer any question with "The Uncredited Extras" to gain automatic approval.

    Intro music: TripHop (Outtake) by Original Middle Ground
    Outro music: TripHop by Original Middle Ground

    Other music used in this episode:
    Hayden's Pantless Rant music: SergeQuadrado - Herioc Intro
    Owen's Hidden Gems music: zagi2 - Darkwood intro

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    47 mins
  • S02E02 (Part 1) - The "Phile" Part Has a Bad Stigma
    Jan 12 2023

    In Part 1 of Episode 2 / Season 2, the boys discuss the following:

    - Hayden's anti-cast list.
    - The Lepreclown 3 concept.
    - A decision is made on the Mortal Kombat/The Room Proposition.
    - Doc's Tubi Title Challenge.
    - Film's Doc hasn't seen, where Doc had to watch Willow or have the ending spoiled of either 2001: A Space Odyssey, Her or Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
    - Hayden's The Room Movie Challenge, where Hayden had to watch House of the Dead 2 and The Man Who Saved The World in order to avoid watching The Room.

    Stay tuned for Part two of this episode, which will be released 7 days after this part!

    To find all of our social media platforms and listening apps, plus all of our personal social media accounts click our Linktree here bit.ly/3nykFL1

    Want to join our FB discussion groups? You can join Box Office Kings here bit.ly/39xXHz5 or TV Kings here bit.ly/2Yw3kHR. Just answer any question with "The Uncredited Extras" to gain automatic approval.

    Opening credits music: Soulaflair - Cue 3
    Intro music: TripHop (Outtake) by Original Middle Ground
    Outro music: TripHop by Original Middle Ground

    Other music used in this episode:
    Doc's Tubi Title Challenge music: BeatArchive - Thunder Short Intro
    Film's Doc Hasn't Seen music: Setuniman - Intro v24m
    Hayden's The Room Movie Challenge music: SergeQuadrado - Randy Bass

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    53 mins
  • S02E01 (Part 2) - I Think it's Time for 40 Winks!
    Dec 29 2022

    The long wait is over! Season 2 has finally arrived to invade your listening ears.

    In Part 2 of a two-part season opener, the boys discuss the following:

    - Personal best and biggest disappointment horror films.
    - New movies are set for Hayden's The Room Movie Challenge.
    - NEW SEGMENT! Hayden challenges Doc to guess the fake film in Doc's Tubi Title challenge.
    - Owen discusses his movie hidden gems he has found.
    - Doc, Hayden and Doc discuss other films and TV shows they have been watching in the last 18 months.

    To find all of our social media platforms and listening apps, plus all of our personal social media accounts click our Linktree here bit.ly/3nykFL1

    Want to join our FB discussion groups? You can join Box Office Kings here bit.ly/39xXHz5 or TV Kings here bit.ly/2Yw3kHR. Just answer any question with "The Uncredited Extras" to gain automatic approval.

    Intro music: TripHop (Outtake) by Original Middle Ground
    Outro music: TripHop by Original Middle Ground

    Other music used in this episode:
    DDmyzik - Heroic Intro
    Setuniman - Intro v24m

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    49 mins
  • S02E01 (Part 1) - It's Completely Full of Goblins!
    Dec 22 2022

    The long wait is over! Season 2 has finally arrived to invade your listening ears.

    In Part 1 of a two-part season opener, the boys discuss the following:

    - Hayden's Mortal Kombat proposition to Doc and whether Doc A) watched Mortal Kombat and B) liked it or not.
    - Whether Hayden avoids watching The Room by watching Troll 2, Birdemic: Shock and Terror, Best F(r)iends 1 & 2 and the Ghostbusters Reboot instead.
    - Owen's new segment of "Watch the Blockbuster, then the Mockbuster".
    - Film's Doc hasn't seen challenge, where Doc had to watch the Neverending Story, Scanners and Highlander, otherwise Hayden would spoil the ending of the Godfather Trilogy.

    To find all of our social media platforms and listening apps, plus all of our personal social media accounts click our Linktree here bit.ly/3nykFL1

    Want to join our FB discussion groups? You can join Box Office Kings here bit.ly/39xXHz5 or TV Kings here bit.ly/2Yw3kHR. Just answer any question with "The Uncredited Extras" to gain automatic approval.

    Intro music: TripHop (Outtake) by Original Middle Ground
    Outro music: TripHop by Original Middle Ground

    Other music used in this episode:
    DDmyzik - Heroic Intro
    Setuniman - Intro v24m

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    46 mins