By now, we all have heard every optimistic word, watched memes and ads about how from the firsts days of January everything would begin to change as if we were witnessing a magic trick. And so, gyms will increase their crowd, supermarkets’ visitors will boost its healthy food corridor, sportswear stores will get new clients. People will buy diet books and watch videos about creating new habits, download apps to be more productive at work, and a long etcetera. We all know that not many will keep on going as optimistic during the next twelve months, though. So don’t be part of those people. There’s a first step that nobody will tell you about, that almost everyone skips. I want you to acknowledge that foundational issue of a mindset that may help you to accomplish your goals in 2022.
This is a trilingual podcast: Spanish, English & French. The goal is to invite you in the discovery of great people, their personnas, and also films, videos, books, podcasts and much more. A deep look to contents, storytelling, narratives, communication and the Entertainment industry.
Hugo Marroquin is a Mexican living in Colombia, dedicated to write novels and working as a marketing professional. He has published two acclaimed novels (in Spanish: Los años de los amantes & Las horas lentas de la noche) Foreing Rights are available.
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