In this episode, my husband Jared and I sit down and share about our past three years of marriage as we live the chronic illness life together.
Head over to my instagram to see the dog videos we talked about in this episode!
Want to find all the resources from this episode and more?
Head over to the Living the Chronic Illness Life Blog or follow me, Cassie, on Instagram @officialcassiemnolin
Cassie Nolin is a married spoonie who lives the chronic illness life with EDS + Co. (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and it’s comorbid conditions.) She challenges others to choose grace over guilt while goal setting, and is in ministry part time serving the online community through Grace + Goals and The Spoonie Study. She loves planting, hand lettering, and sharing the hope she has found in Jesus. Her blog, Living the Chronic Illness Life, is in the top 100 chronic illness blogs and in 2019 she launched her podcast, Chronically Cultivating, where Cassie encourages women to live authentic and intentional lives through their diagnosis’ not in spite of them. You can learn more about her at