I'm sharing a vulnerable story and a recent personal loss... and what it has taught me. I want to share how loss, pain, grief, and disappointment are portals to the divine... if you will let them be so.
Email List - Stay in touch
I'm going on maternity leave in January! I'll be in touch via email for a while. Please subscribe! As thanks, I'll send you my free relationship anxiety meditation to help you snap out of ruminating. Get that here.
Questions - Me in your back pocket
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Both Feet In - Get help at your own pace
Get my signature program to help you pull your other foot out the door in your relationship, open your heart, and make a decision you feel proud of either way — all in your own time. PDFs, audio/video recordings, and support from other students. Get that here.
Patreon - Join my community
Lastly, if you love my work, please consider sponsoring me on Patreon! I appreciate it so much. I offer discounts, some exclusive content, and a monthly community support call on Zoom where you can ask me anything, for $5-9/month, cancel anytime. Become a patron here.