This full-length recording, made available freely, was recorded on the 14th of August 1994 in Colorado. This recording is one of eight in the Colorado Talks 1994 series. The series is available in the paid version of the podcast, available on Apple Podcast and Spotify Podcast.
Extracts from this episode:
I am master of the West – and you are all Westerners, you are not easterners. Unless you are addressed in the Western way, you won't be able to live the teaching of truth, you won't be able to be the truth, no matter who you are...
To be the truth is to be free of unhappiness – I am the only one that has ever said that... You have no right to be unhappy – I have no right to be unhappy – ever, ever, ever. You don't have a right because your son died to be unhappy. Get it? You don't have a right to be unhappy because you got cancer. Get it? You know, I'm talking ever, ever, ever...
The spiritual path is a path of ignorance. When you reach the truth, there is no path, there is what is.
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