The list is out! has compiled the top most popular names of the year, and Jennifer and Mallory go at it with their opinions and predictions for 2021. We also cover the current celebrity baby news and take listener questions on names and naming! Names mentioned in this episode: Mourade, Darsha, Oliver, Liam, Theodore, Declan, Amelia/Emilia, Charlotte, Luna, Wren, Alastair, Caspian, Kobe, Theon, Mint, Ursula, Cohen, and many, many, more! Check out the full list here: Top 100 Baby Names of 2020 * * * Sponsored by TOWN RED - A series of mysteries with a metaphysical twist! * * * Join our Facebook Group to chat about our episodes with Jennifer & Mallory and other listeners! Have a question for Jennifer & Mallory? Email us at Please stay safe, stay healthy, and if you must go out of your home - practice social distancing and ALWAYS mask up!