Explore how off-ice agility drills contribute to on-ice skating performance for adolescent hockey players. This episode dives into a groundbreaking study comparing the effectiveness of on-ice and off-ice agility training, offering insights for player development.
Uncover the science behind agility training for youth hockey players. Learn how combining on-ice and off-ice drills improves reactive agility and weaving performance, and why a hybrid approach is key to success.
Main source: Off-Ice Agility Provide Motor Transfer to On-Ice Skating Performance and Agility in Adolescent Ice Hockey Players
Dominik Novák, Patrycja Lipinska, Robert Roczniok, Michal Spieszny, Petr Stastny
J Sports Sci Med. 2019 Dec; 18(4): 680–694. Published online 2019 Nov 19.
PMCID: PMC6873137