• The Trap of Flattery and the Grace of Encouragement - Jason Cherry [Blog]
    Mar 8 2025

    A blog by Jason Cherry.

    Jason Cherry is an elder at Trinity Reformed Church, as well as a teacher and lecturer of literature, American history, and economics at Providence Classical School in Huntsville, Alabama. He graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary with an MA in Religion and is the author of the book The Culture of Conversionism and the History of the Altar Call, now available on Amazon. He is husband to Traci, who is proficient at blessing others, and father to Anily and Gaby, who are gifted in the art of laughter.

    Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL. seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area.

    Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!

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    10 mins
  • Casting Shade (Psalm 121) - Jason Cherry [Sermon]
    Mar 6 2025

    This is March 2nd's sermon by Jason Cherry proving that God doesn't keep you from trials but rather keeps your soul during trials.

    Jason Cherry is an elder at Trinity Reformed Church, as well as a teacher and lecturer of literature, American history, and economics at Providence Classical School in Huntsville, Alabama. He graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary with an MA in Religion and is the author of the book The Culture of Conversionism and the History of the Altar Call, now available on Amazon. He is husband to Traci, who is proficient at blessing others, and father to Anily and Gaby, who are gifted in the art of laughter.

    Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL. seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area.

    Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!

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    34 mins
  • Take Heed and Flee - Brian McLain [Exhortation]
    Mar 5 2025

    This is March 2nd's exhortation by Brian McLain calling you to respond to the gift of salvation with obedience which starts with taking heed lest you fall and fleeing from sin.

    Brian and his lovely wife Denise were born and raised in Florida. They have been blessed with six beautiful daughters who fill their home with boundless joy and entertainment. Brian has degrees in Theology and Electrical Engineering and spent 20 years in the Power Industry. The McLains love to sing, dance, read, cook and play games, and they cherish the opportunities they get to serve and host others in their home.

    Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area.

    Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!

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    5 mins
  • The Abrahamic Covenant: Beyond Blood and Land - Jason Cherry [Blog]
    Mar 1 2025

    A blog by Jason Cherry.

    Jason Cherry is an elder at Trinity Reformed Church, as well as a teacher and lecturer of literature, American history, and economics at Providence Classical School in Huntsville, Alabama. He graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary with an MA in Religion and is the author of the book The Culture of Conversionism and the History of the Altar Call, now available on Amazon. He is husband to Traci, who is proficient at blessing others, and father to Anily and Gaby, who are gifted in the art of laughter.

    Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL. seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area.

    Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!

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    8 mins
  • How Righteous Anger Spoils - Brian McLain [Exhortation]
    Feb 26 2025

    This is February 23rd's exhortation by Brian McLain recognizing how righteous anger quickly turns rotten when directed wrongly.

    Brian and his lovely wife Denise were born and raised in Florida. They have been blessed with six beautiful daughters who fill their home with boundless joy and entertainment. Brian has degrees in Theology and Electrical Engineering and spent 20 years in the Power Industry. The McLains love to sing, dance, read, cook and play games, and they cherish the opportunities they get to serve and host others in their home.

    Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area.

    Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!

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    5 mins
  • Trials and True Wisdom (James 1:1-8) - Gage Crowder [Sermon]
    Feb 26 2025

    This is February 23rd's sermon by Gage Crowder exploring what trials are, why we need them, and how they change us.

    Gage Crowder teaches literature and Bible at Providence Classical School in Huntsville, Alabama. In addition to his studies at Birmingham Theological Seminary, he is a contributing member of the Huntsville Literary Association and the Academy of Philosophy and Letters. His poetry and prose can be found in the The Legend, Poem Magazine, the Birmingham Arts Journal, Panoply and elsewhere.

    Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL. seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area.

    Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!

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    40 mins
  • The Difference Between Doubt and Denial - Jason Cherry [Blog]
    Feb 22 2025

    A blog by Jason Cherry.

    Jason Cherry is an elder at Trinity Reformed Church, as well as a teacher and lecturer of literature, American history, and economics at Providence Classical School in Huntsville, Alabama. He graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary with an MA in Religion and is the author of the book The Culture of Conversionism and the History of the Altar Call, now available on Amazon. He is husband to Traci, who is proficient at blessing others, and father to Anily and Gaby, who are gifted in the art of laughter.

    Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL. seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area.

    Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!

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    7 mins
  • Liar, Liar (Psalm 120) - Jason Cherry [Sermon]
    Feb 19 2025

    This is February 16th's sermon by Jason Cherry exploring how to be servants of truth in a world full of lies. Jason points out several ways the enemy commonly lies about us and emphasizes the reasons Christians should not lie.

    Jason Cherry is an elder at Trinity Reformed Church, as well as a teacher and lecturer of literature, American history, and economics at Providence Classical School in Huntsville, Alabama. He graduated from Reformed Theological Seminary with an MA in Religion and is the author of the book The Culture of Conversionism and the History of the Altar Call, now available on Amazon. He is husband to Traci, who is proficient at blessing others, and father to Anily and Gaby, who are gifted in the art of laughter.

    Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL. seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area.

    Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!

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    27 mins