Welcome to the Called to Love Podcast!
In this episode, I discuss what it means to trust God with what we cannot control when it comes to adoption and foster care. I am honest with you, sharing my personal journey through failed adoptions, especially my emotional struggles. I wrestled a lot but also learned about control, God's sovereignty, and the importance of relationship over results. Even when you succeed in adopting your child, it isn’t a fairytale “...and they lived happily ever after…” Part of my story is how I cared for a traumatized baby who screamed every single night because she was separated from her birth mama.
Here’s a few key takeaways you’ll find in this episode:
-Failed adoption is NOT cruelty or punishment from God!
-Failed adoption does NOT mean that God isn’t in control!
-Failed adoption does NOT mean you have missed your calling!
-To walk through failed adoptions, can teach you a lot about the adoption system, yourself, and God.
-This is about a relationship, not a result.
Ask yourself this as you wrestle failed adoptions:
*Am I closer to God because of this?
*Have I grown in Biblical wisdom and knowledge because of this?
*Do I have new insight and opportunities that I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t said “yes” to this calling?
*Has my understanding of God’s ultimate fulfillment to His plan changed?
I hope this has been an encouraging episode! You can email me your questions about adoption and foster care at somercolbert@gmail.com.
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