
  • Retiring Right Before or During a Recession. Debunking “Sequence of Returns Risk” - Canadian Financial Summit 2024
    Feb 20 2025

    Bloggers and advisors constantly warn about the “Sequence of Returns Risk”—the fear that retiring right before or during a market crash will drain your savings too quickly.

    This fear often leads retirees to make poor investment choices, resulting in:

    🚨 Inferior portfolios

    📉 Lower returns

    ❌ A less reliable retirement

    But how real is this risk? And do the conventional solutions—like investing in bonds or following the 4% Rule—actually work?

    Is it true that “sequence of returns risk” has been debunked for long-term equity investors?

    In my latest podcast episode you’ll learn

    • What is “Sequence of Returns Risk”?

    • What solutions are typically recommended?

    • What is the actual risk of running out of money with a bad sequence of returns?

    • Why don’t the typical solutions work?

    • How long did it take to recover from the biggest crashes?

    • How can you get the maximum reliable retirement income?

    • What should you do if your risk tolerance is lower?

    • What is “Your Personal Rule” for you to use instead of the “4% Rule”?

    • What solution to “Sequence of Returns Risk” actually works?

    • What dynamic spending rules are suggested by actuaries & advisors?

    • What is Ed’s dynamic spending rule?

    • How is it customized for you?

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    24 mins
  • New Study Supports 100% Equity Investing for Life – The Debate
    Feb 13 2025

    Recently, I posted a video “New Study Supports 100% Equity Investing for Life” that went semi-viral with 14,000 YouTube views & 1,000 podcast downloads.

    There is an interesting active debate mainly on YouTube, and a bit on my blog with a lot of comments and questions. Let’s look at them and join the debate.

    The evidence from the study to invest 100% in equities for life is certainly unconventional, so the comments revealed interesting insights.

    This is an important topic. I have many posts on my blog over almost 20 years about how much better your Financial Plan and retirement income are with a high equity allocation.

    I have posts about other studies, including my own. I believe people with a high enough risk tolerance who will stay invested through market crashes should invest 100% in equities. This is unconventional wisdom – but studies show it works!

    In my latest podcast episode and blog post you'll discover:

    • What did the study actually say?

    • What did most of the comments agree on?

    • Does the study support 100% equities right through retirement?

    • Won’t many people panic and sell?

    • How does the recommendation of 67% international look for US vs. non-US investors?

    • Do international stocks provide good diversification?

    • Would this work in some time periods but not others?

    • Would it work for narrower equity indexes, such as the NASDAQ?

    • Is this study new?

    • Isn’t the risk of running out of money in retirement similar for 100%, 80% & 60% equities?

    • Isn’t it better to keep some cash?

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    30 mins
  • How to Easily Outperform Financial Advisors, Robo-Advisors & Index Investors (Canadian Financial Summit 2024)
    Jan 23 2025

    Why do so many Canadians struggle to achieve financial freedom, even with a solid financial plan?

    Why do they retire with less than they hoped for, despite diligently saving and investing?

    The answer often boils down to two things: suboptimal investments and a misguided focus on risk.

    In my latest podcast episode, we’ll uncover why good investment performance is essential for your financial success and show you how to take control of your portfolio.

    We’ll also address common misconceptions about risk in the investment industry and uncover the secrets to thinking like a successful investor.

    You’ll learn:

    • Why is good performance important for your life?

    • What rate of return do you need to become financially independent?

    • What are the 4 performance drags that reduce investment returns?

    • What is the Asset Allocation Loss Ratio (AALR)?

    • Why is it easy to outperform financial advisors?

    • What is wrong with the investment industry definition of “risk”?

    • Why is it easy to outperform robo-advisors?

    • Why is it easy to outperform index investors?

    • How can you learn to think properly about investing?

    • What are the secrets to outperforming?

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    38 mins
  • 7 Best Ideas to Optimize the Smith Manoeuvre (Canadian Financial Summit 2024)
    Jan 16 2025

    With its quirky name, the Smith Manoeuvre might sound unconventional, but it’s a strategy that truly works—when done by the right people, in the right way, over the long term.

    From crafting over 1,000 professional Financial Plans, I’ve seen firsthand how the Smith Manoeuvre can transform your finances, helping Canadians use their home equity to invest for their future without impacting their cash flow.

    When included as part of a comprehensive financial plan, this strategy can empower you to achieve the life you’ve always envisioned.

    But optimizing the Smith Manoeuvre requires more than just the basics—it’s about mastering the practical details and understanding how to maximize its benefits.

    In my latest podcast episode you’ll learn:

    • What is the right reason to do the Smith Manoeuvre?

    • How do you know if you are the right person for the Smith Manoeuvre?

    • What is the right mortgage?

    • How can you keep it 100% tax deductible?

    • Which of the 8 Smith Manoeuvre strategies is right for you?

    • Why is it critical that the Smith Manoeuvre is a long-term strategy?

    • What is the right mindset to minimize the risk & maximize the benefits?

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    32 mins
  • New Study Supports 100% Equity Investing for Life
    Jan 2 2025

    For years, conventional wisdom has preached the benefits of diversifying between stocks & bonds and gradually shifting to safer investments as we age.

    But what if these widely accepted strategies are fundamentally flawed?

    A newly published, high-quality study is flipping the script on traditional investment advice, making a compelling case for a 100% equity strategy throughout life.

    This research, backed by robust data from 39 developed countries and spanning long-term investment horizons, challenges two key conventional wisdoms:

    1. That savers should diversify between stocks and bonds.

    2. That young people should invest more heavily in stocks than when they are older.

    Instead, the study reveals that an all-equity portfolio—with a notable tilt toward international stocks—outperforms traditional stock-bond strategies in building wealth, ensuring reliable retirement income, and preserving capital.

    In my latest podcast episode you'll discover:

    • Is this new study a high-quality study?

    • What does the study prove?

    • What is the effective way to diversify?

    • In what 2 ways is diversifying with international stocks better than with bonds?

    • Why should investors keep the same allocation to stocks as they get older?

    • Is the all-equity strategy safe?

    • Should we actually invest 67% into international stocks?

    • What studies already on my blog agree with this study?

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    16 mins
  • Monthly Fixed Pay ETFs & Funds Are a Brain Fart!
    Dec 19 2024

    I talk with people all the time who have an ETF or mutual fund that pays a fixed monthly amount. In most cases, they misunderstand it.

    Most think they are receiving regular income—but chances are, it’s usually a brain fart.

    Many investors misunderstand how these monthly pay investments work.

    From covered call ETFs and dividend funds to monthly income funds, mortgage funds, T8/T6 mutual funds, and REITs, the mechanics can be confusing—and the implications even more so.

    In my latest podcast episode you’ll learn:

    • Why are monthly pay ETFs and funds a brain fart?

    • How do fixed monthly pay ETFs or funds work?

    • Why is a monthly distribution not part of your rate of return?

    • What is the difference between a distribution and a dividend?

    • Why is a monthly distribution not new money?

    • Why does a monthly distribution = Selling shares?

    • Why does a reinvested distribution = No distribution?

    • Why do covered call funds usually have lower returns but higher tax?

    • Why are monthly pay ETFs/funds a problem for retirement income?

    • Why are monthly pay ETFs/funds a problem for leverage investors?

    • How can we get out of the Brain Fart?

    • How can you perfect monthly pay funds?

    • What are self-made dividends?

    • Why are self-made dividends a perfect fit for your life?

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    20 mins
  • RRSP/RRIF Meltdown Strategies
    Dec 5 2024

    Ever wondered how you can get the money out of your RRSP with a minimum of tax?

    RRSP/RRIF Meltdown Strategies can allow you to withdraw from your RRSP or RRIF and have very little income show on your tax return.

    However, there are some tricky complications, and these strategies are not for everyone.

    In my latest podcast episode you’ll learn:

    • How does the RRSP/RRIF meltdown strategy help you withdraw from your RRSP with minimum tax?

    • Why should it be called the RRIF Meltdown Strategy, not the RRSP Meltdown Strategy?

    • Why are self-made dividends the secret to an effective RRIF Meltdown Strategy?

    • What are the 4 tricky complications?

    • Why does the traditional RRIF Meltdown not melt your RRIF down?

    • What is the problem with starting it before you retire?

    • What is the problem with starting it when you retire?

    • What are the 3 main RRIF Meltdown Strategies?

    • What are the 6 steps to implementing the RRSP/RRIF Meltdown Strategy effectively?

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    26 mins
  • How Did the Wealthy Get Wealthy? Can I Copy Them?
    Nov 28 2024

    In a recent podcast episode, I talked about who the poor & wealthy are and how did they get there.

    Today, I’m diving deeper into one crucial aspect: how the wealthy became wealthy.

    Can their strategies work for you?

    Over the years, I’ve seen the full financial picture of thousands of Canadians and read countless studies on wealth building.

    While my clients are generally higher-income, growth-focused individuals who work with a financial plan, I’ve also spoken to countless others—through this blog, in person, and within my network of wealthy individuals.

    These insights have given me a clear understanding of who achieves financial success and the steps they took to get there.

    In my latest podcast episode you’ll learn:

    • How much do you need to be “wealthy”?

    • What types of people have high net worth?

    • What is a “productive growth asset”?

    • Do you have to borrow to invest to become wealthy?

    • What does the Lifecycle Investing study tell us about growing wealth?

    • How can you copy their methods and become wealthy?

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    21 mins