Not everything we believe is true. For us to act on the pain in our lives, we must confront the beliefs that have held us in captivity to that pain. The problem is, we are probably unaware of the lies that we have believed because if we thought they were lies we wouldn’t have believed them in the first place.
In this episode I talk about:
- The tension between the feeling the pain and taking action
- The lies that were holding me
- Asking for mercy
- Uncovering the lies
- How lies separate us from God
- Changing my world by changing my mind
- I Don’t Think So Book Get a copy of my book today!
- I Don’t Think So Bootcamp Looking to fast-track your journey to freedom? This power-packed 8-session Bootcamp is the perfect solution. Life-changing messages, personal application exercises, and live monthly Q&A calls provide the focus and encouragement you need to make and experience change quickly.
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