Many men in tech want to support women's advancement and help to improve equality in the workplace. They just don't know where to start and what they can do.
This month, our guest is Eva Helen , who has worked to improve diversity and inclusion for years.
Eva Helén is the founder and CEO of EQ Inspiration. She works on engaging men in the conversation of gender equality and women’s advancement.
She's the author of "Women in Tech, a Book for Guys". Eva is on Vasion's Board of Directors. A successful entrepreneur, in 2000 Eva co-founded and ran Sanbolic, an enterprise software company, acquired by Citrix in 2015. Prior, Eva co-founded Number One GM, acquired by Autodesk in 1999. Eva was born in Sweden and holds an MBA from the University of Stockholm. She relocated to Silicon Valley in the mid 90’s.
As a speaker, coach and mentor to women and men in tech, Eva stresses the importance of inclusion, diversity, and equality.
If you want to gift men something that stays with them for life, think about this book.
Hear our very interesting chat.