Welcome back to We're Not Strangers Anymore hosted by Adrian (@Ayo_mrbiggeek) and Lindsay (@Lindsay.Manuelito). Join us this week as we go over: *Intros / Army FT let's Lindsay down *Lindsay puts dude on blast! Is he Gay? (lol) *Fuck boys Gonna Fuck boy! *Adrian finds True Love....A long time ago. *A Marriage story / Shit gets Real! Also... *Adrian is...Happy??? *Cowboy Bebop & Sleep issues. *Guesting on other Pods and the Hilariousness that followed. *Shit gets Real and very Dark...AGAIN! *Suicidal tendencies / Mental illness is Real! Plus a whole lot more..... Please enjoy the show. *Music intro and outro (song) "The Keepers" by Santigold. We're Not Strangers Anymore podcast brought to you by The Raw, Live & Unedited Podcasting Network