Welcome to another exciting episode of The Personal Wealth Coach Podcast with your hosts, Jeff and Jake McClure. After Jeff and Jake open this first whole week of 2025's podcast with their typical market indicators, they go into a bit on oil prices and why we've seen an increase this week. The next big topic for the week is on employment numbers. Does the immigration of people into the U.S. help or hurt our employment numbers? Next up on the chopping block is the long-term changes currently happening in the American workforce: changes such as the percentage of blue collar versus white collar workers and fluctuations in different industries such as service and professional. To finish for this week, some words are said on how this expansion has some interesting differences. And lastly, Jake gets his crystal ball out and asks it about interest rates. Listen in to see what it says.
This episode was recorded on January 10th, 2025.
If you would like to contact us, please send an email to us at Jeff@tpwc.com or Jake@tpwc.com. We are happy to address any of your questions about Economics and Finance.
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** The information provided in this episode is for educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice. We are “The Personal Wealth Coach,” which is also the name of an SEC-registered investment advisory firm. However, being registered with the SEC does not authorize us to provide investment advice. Investment advice should be personalized, offered in a private setting, and be in the best interests of the individual as a fiduciary. If we make any fraudulent statements, you should report them to the SEC. The information presented in this educational episode has been obtained from sources that we deem to be reliable, but we make no warranty or guarantee as to the completeness or accuracy of said information.