Amy Sikarskie welcomes listeners to a new season of The Spirit & Soul Healing podcast and shares updated opportunities to connect at Spirit School and on the podcast.
Topics Include:
- Taking time to live in the physical experience.
- Guided group healing sessions at Spirit School each month
- Working with timelines and alignment
- Healing session are now offered on the podcast click for info
- Sacred Healer's Circle mentoring membership at Spirit School
Like and subscribe to be notified of future episodes.
ResourcesThe Council of Light's playlist on YouTube. Library of all of The Council of Light's messages at Spirit School.
Amy's website with links to all services, books, resources and offerings.
Monthly Healing Circle, Sacred Healers' Circle Mentorship, Courses, channeled messages, FREE, guided meditations
Connect on YouTube @AmySikarskie
Connect on Instagram
Books Authored by Amy Sikarskie
- The Ultimate Guide to Channeling
- Channeling - An Introduction Free E-Book
- Activating the Starseed
- A Messages for Starseeds & Lightworkers
- Messages from The Councils
- 7 Personal Chakras
For questions, requested topics, or to share a screenshot of your review on your favorite platform to receive a chakra healing meditation, please email me at
Or visit
Amy Sikarskie is an internationally recognized energy therapist, intuitive channel, healer’s healer and mentor. She is a Licensed Vocational Nurse, Master Energy Therapist, Clairvoyant Spirit...