Welcome to MVP Engineering! This is a podcast that was established by our engineering team at Podpal to confirm that our RSS Feeds are being built and maintained properly. For example, the RSS Feed show notes that are being published here should be capable of Rich Text editing in Podpal that shows up in the same format at the given podcast distribution channel (i.e. Apple, Spotify, Google, and others). Here are some rich text types that should show up:
- A numbered list.
- Italicized font.
- Bolded font.
- Underlined font.
- Hyperlink to a website like Podpal
Also the same should show up as a bulleted list if we choose to display it that way.
- A numbered list.
- Italicized font.
- Bolded font.
- Underlined font.
- Additional indented item.
- Hyperlink to a website like Podpal