Two-time Labour leadership candidate Peter Shore represented a version of left-wing politics that has mostly disappeared: constitutional socialism. He opposed Britain's entry into Europe and believed in the power of the House of Commons to deliver a radical socialist agenda. Yet by the time he left the Commons in 1997, the party he had represented for over three decades had abandoned many of his ideas. Why?
In this episode, we mention the following books/articles:
'A Constitutional Socialist' by Richard Johnson. Available at:
'Ed Miliband is our most consequential MP, I’m afraid' by Dominic Lawson. Available at:
'Lord Berners: The Last Eccentric' by Mark Amory. Available at:
'Uproar!' by Alice Loxton. Available at:
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Lee David Evans is an historian of the Conservative Party and the John Ramsden Fellow at the Mile End Institute, Queen Mary, University of London. He is on social media @LeeDavidEvansUK.
Richard Johnson is a Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London, and among his other areas of expertise is an historian of the Labour Party. He tweets at @richardmarcj.