Have you ever found yourself bogged down? Feeling like the hits just keep on coming? Turns out, we can get as much, if not more, "bang for the buck" out of our negative experiences as we do out of our positive experiences. The secret seems to be two things: Finding meaning and finding significance. In this episode, we'll take a look at some recent data that suggests a few "To Do's" in order to maximize the benefit of our experience and maybe even help us with the emotional impact of those experiences we wish we hadn't had. Tune in and check it out!
Debuting this episode: The Positive Pod has new theme music from the incomparable Bessie Smith and her Thinkin' Blues. Bessie will join us in future episodes as well. Enjoy!
Here is the article that we're pulling from for this episode:
William Tov, Weiting Ng & Soon-Hock Kang (2019) The facets of meaningful experiences: An examination of purpose and coherence in meaningful and meaningless events, The Journal of Positive Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2019.1689426