The whole crew is back again on this week’s episode of Where’s That Bar Cart. We break down the 80s classic “Roadhouse”, Nick unveils his new all-Canadian Sundogs sunglasses to almost rave reviews, and Darryl almost got run over by a famous Leo. Oh, and Monty went into the film business and tried to show Star Wars to a bunch of Scarberians. Speaking of Scarborough, our Canadian golf company feature is none other than Scarborough-based golf bag and cart company Axglo.
Thanks to Comedy Records and to each and every one of you who listens, watches, and supports this dumb little podcast. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel @ComedyRecords. Swing well out there, everyone. #sundogeyewear #axglo
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- @ginalouisephillips
- @comedyrecords
Music by Devin Bateson
Thank you to Comedy Records