In this episode Stephanie and Cam talk about the difference between criticism and exhortation.
We learn that the spiritual gift of exhortation is both about bringing comfort and challenge. There are those who love the comfort part but shy away from the challenge. Exhortation is a great gift for those who disciple others.
We use the example of the increase of failing marriages within the church today. The question arises, how would exhortation help those who are thinking of getting married and there are red flags? Could many hurts and broken marriages be avoided if the exhortation in pre-marriage was received properly?
How should you receive the challenge from someone who has the gift of exhortation?
We wrap up with how to tell the difference between criticism and challenge.
If you know a couple who are separated and are wanting to restore their marriage contact us here and we can begin the conversation of what restoration looks like.
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