Holding feet to fire here. With compassion, of course...
This episode is in response to many of the pitfalls I see on social media and in real life spiritual/ wellness circles.
Things like:
- how much harm still gets perpetuated in spiritual spaces;
- how much burnout and long-term ineffectiveness is still prevalent;
- finding a space or group which seems to be doing things differently, only to realize it’s the same ol’ better-than, power-over shit… just with more incense and crystals;
- being burned by teachers and practitioners who turned out to be on an ego trip - wanting you to somehow validate them and their insecurities by being just like them;
- Or, being that practitioner who has a sneaking suspicion, in spite of your best intentions, you’re using your clients/ students to soothe your wounds?
And these outcomes seem inevitable, given the cultures that we’ve been raised in and the lack of elders we have to show us a different way. It’s how we wield the tools of ancestral wisdom traditions and spiritual practices, just like any other tool, which determines the outcome of its use - help or hurt?
This is where I see perspective and mirroring, shadow work and nervous system maintenance as being key, often missed and usually unglamorous, steps in our growth process.
So tune if you’re curious:
- What happens to our spiritual practices, our healing journey, if we’re all light and no shadow work?
- What happens if we do certification after certification or ceremony after ceremony and don’t integrate?
- What might be the outcome of prioritizing the flashy over the unglamorous maintenance work?
I believe our answers to these questions matter deeply if we want a world which looks more humane, more just, more loving, and more balanced and harmonious. These questions might help point the way back to some sort of right relationship.
In fact, these questions might help point the way back to some sort of right relationship with these ancient wayfinding practices; a relationship with them where they’re the compass leading us through inexperience and cultural immaturity, and out into deeper wisdom and more intactness.
What stood out to you most in this episode? Did any of it leave you feeling uncomfortable?
If so, I’d love to hear.
And if you’d like to explore 1:1 work, I’m in the process of updating that page on my website so best right now is to email me and we can discern if we’re a fit.
We can also keep this conversation going on a Wisdom Wednesday call. First Wednesdays of the month. You cna find more info or register for the next one here: https://www.wildsacredjourney.com/wisdom-wednesdays
With so much fierce compassion,
You can find Kate:
Website: www.wildsacredjourney.com
Email – kate@wildsacredjourney.com
Instagram: @wildsacredjourney_kp
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