This week, Kate talks about Winnipeg Fever in Haliburton County. In the 1870's and 1890's many local settlers found that trying to farm in the area was difficult with thin top soil that wore out quickly. Once the railroad came to Haliburton people had more mobility and an exodus started for greener pastures and land grants out west. Plus, WW1 was a new experience for Canadians on the home front who didn't know how to deal with their fears and anxiety including rumours of imminent attacks and sabotage by American-German agents from the US. And then there was the implications of that new invention - the airplane - that could allow the enemy to launch bombing attacks into Canada.
Kate Butler is the Director of the Haliburton Highlands Museum. Paul Vorvis is the host of the Your Haliburton Morning Show 7 - 9 a.m. Fridays on Canoe FM 100.9 and streaming on your devices. Haliburton County is in cottage country about 2 1/2 hours north of Toronto. You can contact us at