In this episode, we dive into the world of workplace challenges. From handling mistakes and managing stress to taking accountability, you’ll learn a range of practical expressions and idioms to help you communicate effectively in tricky professional situations. Join us to master professional language and elevate your workplace conversations! Phrases covered in this episode include: - Don’t cut corners - Screwed up - Drop the ball - Out of hand - Let it slide And many more! Practice these phrases with our exclusive AnkiApp deck for better retention: If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more practical English lessons. We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments! #Podcast #EnglishPodcast #LearnEnglish #AdvancedEnglish #EnglishVocabulary #FluentEnglish #IELTSPreparation #BusinessEnglish #ProfessionalEnglish #SpeakEnglishConfidently #EnglishIdioms