Contact David for any questions and/or comments-
I don’t expect you to be perfect, you are going to make mistakes, and that’s ok.
- I’m not perfect & no one else is either-
- I do expect you to try your best all of the time.
- I do expect you to find a good attitude when you have a bad attitude.
- When I am correcting your behavior, it is because I love you and want what is best for your life.
- Your being happy right now is not my biggest concern. You growing up to be the right kind of person is.
- “You can feel any way that you feel...but you can't act any way you want to act” - I feel like I heard this a lot (Anna :) Helping a child come to understand that there is a difference between how they feel, and how they are allowed to act, is critically important for their emotional and social development.
- Managing the tension between how you want a child to act and how they act requires patience, consistency, and being in it for the long haul.