Rev. Todd McKinnon retired in 2008 from a 32 year career with
Niagara Regional Police Service. He retired as a Detective
Sergeant having spent half of his career in the Forensic Services
Unit as a Crime Scene Investigator. He worked on numerous major
crimes including homicides, sexual assaults, break-ins and other
property crimes, as well as fatal collisions and other sudden
deaths. During his career, he taught forensic crime scene
investigation on various courses to police investigators. Todd is a
Christian believer, studies theology and in 2012, he received
ministerial credentials from the Fellowship of Christian Assemblies.
He has served as a Pastor and Chaplain, including 7 years as a
volunteer assistant to the chaplain at our local detention centre. He
is an itinerant speaker and has been a guest lecturer at Brock
University, Niagara College, the Ontario Police College and the
Ontario Correctional College and many community organizations,
nursing homes and churches. He also served three terms as a parttime
forensic science professor at Niagara College. He is presently
associated with the Open Arms of Jesus Mission and speaks often
at St Catharines Christian Centre.