• Your Inner Sanctuary
    Jun 15 2023
    To learn more about GP and OM School and to experience some his other meditations and workshops go to https://omschool.ca

    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing meditation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh

    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    "The Kingdom of God is within you."

    Don't bother looking for peace where it can't be found. Look for it where it really live. Deep within your own being.

    In this meditation we look visit that Inner Sanctuary, the Inner Sacred Space. We overlook it, not because it is complicated or esoteric or it requires some special skill. No, we over look it becuase it is so close.
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    15 mins
  • The Movie Screen in the Mind
    Jun 3 2023
    To learn more about GP and OM School and to experience some his other meditations and workshops go to https://omschool.ca

    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing meditation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh

    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    One of the most profound realizations that a person can have on the spiritual path is the realization that you are not anything that you experience.

    This is easy to see when we look around our world. I experience a forest but i am not the forest
    I see my car and even get in it an drive it but I am not my car. We assess everything outside the boundary of our skin as "not me" and everything inside that boundary as "me." But if we are willing to take a closer look a very different picture emerges.

    We assume that thoughts, emotions and sensation (pretty much the stuff all inner experience is made of, is "myself." But is it.

    In this meditation we look at that to whether or not thoughts and feelings, which are very, very close and intimate are themselves being watched, just the way we watch cars pass on the street or clouds in the sky.

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    21 mins
  • Opening Your Heart
    May 30 2023
    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing meditation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh

    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    True enlightenment or awakening is not purely insights in the mind. Even those big realizations of oneness and vastness.

    The heart of compassion must also open to meet the grand expanse of wisdom. And all of that has to be integrated into our everyday lives.

    If that doesn't happen our life and practice will be unbalanced and possibly even dysfunctional.
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    21 mins
  • Buddha the Devil and the Bodhi Tree
    May 29 2023
    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing meditation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh

    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    Buddhist literature is rich with myth and metaphor, all of which that point to deep spiritual truths.

    The story of Siddhartha's enlightenment is a powerful story that is way beyond just a historical account.

    In all of our lives we will be encountering all sorts of resistance and challenges as we progress on the spiritual path.

    Stories like these can encourage us and make us realize that enlightened beings start out just like us and had to face the very same challenges we do.
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    26 mins
  • Peace Is Your Nature
    May 28 2023
    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing meditation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh

    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    Througout all time saints, sages, rishis and mystics have recognized that all we seek lies deep within our own being.

    And what do we desire more than a deep sense of peace, stillness, contentment.

    What if peace was not a state one could hopefully someday get and get and then lose again but was your actual original nature.

    This is what this meditation wants you to explore and perhaps even experience right now.

    These guided meditations are offered freely as a gift from GP and OM School, the official home of his teaching and healing practice. Click Here to Learn More About OM School

    OM School also produces a weekly podcast alled OM School Live where GP and Co-Teacher Lisa Berry delve into subjects of great relevance in our daily lives. As well as Tea with G, a bi-weekly open satsang, where GP answers any and all questions concerning your spiritual practice and growth. Those are both available on YouTube at Click Here for GP's YouTube Channel.

    We intend on keeping as much material as we can, free, low cost and without free. You can help us do that with a donation at Patreon https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh
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    12 mins
  • A Safe Place
    May 27 2023
    To learn more about GP and OM School and to experience some his other meditations and workshops go to https://omschool.ca

    If you would like to support this work of bringing deep healing meditation to the world, please consider supporting us on Patreon ad https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh

    You can also make a one time donation at Buy Me A Coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/gpwalsh

    To join the private Facebook group go to https://facebook.com/groups/gpwalsh

    We all want to have a place that is safe, secure.
    Where we can feel at home, relaxed.
    A place where we can just be ourselves and
    Are accepted just as we are.

    In fact, a safe place would have to be a place where we would not need to struggle to simply be ourselves.

    Perhaps you may notice that these are all cahracteristics of mind and heart.
    They don't actually require a physical space.

    Actually, until we can accept ourselves as we are, we can't really feel fully safe, no matter what the physical place or circumstances.

    This guided meditation guides you to that place within yourself.
    We all have that place within us.
    It has been buried under conditioning but it is still there.

    Let's see if we can together pay a visit to that Space Space within our hearts.

    These guided meditations are offered freely as a gift from GP and OM School, the official home of his teaching and healing practice. Click Here to Learn More About OM School

    OM School also produces a weekly podcast alled OM School Live where GP and Co-Teacher Lisa Berry delve into subjects of great relevance in our daily lives. As well as Tea with G, a bi-weekly open satsang, where GP answers any and all questions concerning your spiritual practice and growth. Those are both available on YouTube at Click Here for GP's YouTube Channel.

    We intend on keeping as much material as we can, free, low cost and without free. You can help us do that with a donation at Patreon https://Patreon.com/gpwalsh
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    14 mins